Use social icon for phone number

I'm struggling with where to put my address & phone number since the generic contact form only provides clients with a way to contact me via email (unless I'm missing something here).
So then I started to think that it would be ALLOT more intuitive to simply have a phone icon next to my social icons that they could click on to see my phone # (and possibly another couple of icons for email & physical address, which could all open up another page on my site if necessary), but then reality sets in & I see that I can only choose one custom link, which uses a generic chain link icon. Can I change that icon's graphic? Anyone else ever do this?
So then I started to think that it would be ALLOT more intuitive to simply have a phone icon next to my social icons that they could click on to see my phone # (and possibly another couple of icons for email & physical address, which could all open up another page on my site if necessary), but then reality sets in & I see that I can only choose one custom link, which uses a generic chain link icon. Can I change that icon's graphic? Anyone else ever do this?