Recent Photos page fill?
So I created a "Recent Photos" page, but I can't get it to fill the frame like the other galleries. Any ideas?
Recent Photos:
I want the photos to fill the entire frame like this:
So I created a "Recent Photos" page, but I can't get it to fill the frame like the other galleries. Any ideas?
Recent Photos:
I want the photos to fill the entire frame like this:
I am still getting to grips with the new SM, but what I can see, and something similar I has it turned out to be the size of the Body container, go to customize, then to the gallery you are looking for in Layouts you can adjust the body container, also check that your menu container is not spilling into the body container.
As i said this was what was causing me issue when I first started to create SM site
Hope it help, John
Thanks for the reply. Currently, my container is at 960x, but I can't raise it to any more than 1000px. But even that only made a slight difference. And my menu is the same width for all pages/galleries.
Anything else? :-)
Photo Blog