Replace does not work from RecentPhotos/Lightbox
i have a custom page "Activity" where i do have a recent photos content block.
If i open a photo in lightbox and select Tools > Organize > Replace all i get is a black screen with "Replace" and "Back to gallery". No photo, no file selection is possible. See screenshot.
Using tools/replace from lightbox inside of a gallery does work for me, just not from the recent photos content block on my custom page.
i have a custom page "Activity" where i do have a recent photos content block.
If i open a photo in lightbox and select Tools > Organize > Replace all i get is a black screen with "Replace" and "Back to gallery". No photo, no file selection is possible. See screenshot.
Using tools/replace from lightbox inside of a gallery does work for me, just not from the recent photos content block on my custom page.
Photo Blog
Support Hero and Customeister
Open a photo in lightbox > tools > replace > doesn't work
The photos are taken from a smart gallery:
Open the same photo in lightbox > tools > replace > works...
When i compare the replace-tool URL in the browser bar when open from a "Page" it looks like this: If i open the replace-tool from the smart-gallery/lightbox the replace-tool URL looks like this: Both show the same photo but only the replace-tool from the gallery/lightbox works.
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I think that might be the problem... the replace tool does not "replace" the virtual URL with the correct URL to the real photo an that is why the tool does not work.
Well... i know how to work around the bug, maybe it is easier to remove the "Replace" tool from the lightbox if the photo is a virtual copy...