Anyone use Blogspot?

On my legacy account I had a product page that was quite code intense. It use a lengthy CSS section and a bunch of JS calls to create a tabbed page similar to the SM catelog page.
Any users of Blogspot know if I can add code like this to a page there and then use the feed to have it show on my SM site?
I know how to get the blog page to show, but I need to know if I can host a highly code filled page there and get it to work.
Any users of Blogspot know if I can add code like this to a page there and then use the feed to have it show on my SM site?
I know how to get the blog page to show, but I need to know if I can host a highly code filled page there and get it to work.
I think I remember that product page, it had an epic series of tabs explaining all about the different prints and sizes, right? If it's the one I'm thinking of, I think it was broadly a copy of the same information presented in the SmugMug help pages?
I'm not sure which part the JavaScript was required for. Was it just the tabs? I think it is actually possible to create a series of clickable tabs with pure CSS these days, now that old Internet Explorer versions have finally fallen by the wayside.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Yes that is the page. Originally It was all html and css. But on old SM the length of the html was too much for the description box of a gallery (character limits), therfore I had to put it in the header section w/ a div and hide it from the rest of the galleries. Unfortunately that meant the code loaded on every page load and was then hidden... slooooowwwwing everything down.
To work around that I found an online code converter that changed each line into a JS call. That way I could call it only on the page where I wanted it. Thus the JS.
I have all the code saved from the original html / CSS version and am thinking about giving it a shot in NEW SM...
Not sure if the code is too long for an html box though.... I guess I'll try it and see what happens...
I looked at the code. I was wrong. The tabs are controlled via JS. I guess there will be no "epic tabbed" product page.<img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Code is way too long to load in a post. Go to this link and download the file... Be warned it very long. But I think you'll be able to find the breaks for the sections... The are labeled.
This is a link to the code prior to me converting it to JS calls. There is still a short JS section to make the tabs work. If you can't get it working no problem thanks.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
And this CSS:
Please note that this doesn't work even the slightest bit in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.
Here's what it looks like:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Just got home and pasted in the code.... It looks very nice. One question though, because I tried and could not figure it out, can the tabs be made to use images instead of text?
Active Guarantee:
Inactive Guarantee:
I can add those images in later today.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
That's odd. They are in the same gallery as all my site images. Maybe copy the link and paste it in the browser. They are showing up when I'm logged out too.
If you can do the one I can figure out the rest. Thanks a ton. If I can get that page running my site will be back to legacy version but actually better.
I have updated it all from the current SM pages and have it on my page here...
As you can see I changed the background color of the content box, but the tabs are still hard to see.
Replace the old tab headers code:
This is what it looks like:
(I think you have external linking disabled for the photos in your gallery, so your custom button image might not show up when embedded on my site there)
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I have it all working and even styled a bit more.. I actually loaded all the images into my Site Image gallery too, so I'm linking to my site for the images and not SM.
Many of the links go to the SM pages, but that keeps me from recreating them. Hope SM doesn't drop them anytime soon.