Return from Get-A-Link

Browsing a keyword gallery and clicking share > get a link
Return to gallery returns to the originals gallery and not the keyword gallery.
Return to gallery returns to the originals gallery and not the keyword gallery.
Allen - This has always been so in Legacy SM also... Using the Back button returns you to the keyword gallery.
I would certainly hesitate to request a change in this behavior to avoid any potential ramifications to the stability of the Legacy sites on which those of us who have not yet unveiled still rely.
Blog: Backyard Birding with Kenn & Temple
This is clicking the "back to gallery" button on the links page not using the browser back.
My Website index | My Blog
The BACK button of your any browser returns to the keyword gallery, which was also ever thus. The logic and utility of this behavior seems both useful and familiar to me.
Don't change it I say. We already have too many unexpected behavioral changes in the New SM.
Blog: Backyard Birding with Kenn & Temple
But if I'm picking a bunch of links of a certain keyword that's where I'd like to
return to. Doesn't make sense not returning there. But guess I can live with
it using the browser back button.
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