New SmugMug & API - Categories/Albums vs. Folders
I have an iOS app that uses MY Business account to let customers upload their photos into Categories that I created manually, with Albums they create and they can upload photos with my app, all UNDER the old SmugMug and API 1.2.2. Version 1.3 and OAuth is not relevant or even useful in this scenario.
Anyway, I found that my old Categories were somehow turned into a top-level folder during the transition to the NEW SmugMug. However, when I create new Categories programmatically, and get a Category ID returned successfully, they do not show up as Folders. So, there is apparently not a way to create Folders via the old API.
So, my app is dead in the water and I am unable to offer my new customers SmugMug services.
SmugMug has dropped the ball in supporting developers who have used their API for purposes other than hobbies, and I'll have to look elsewhere unless a new non-OAuth API is published very quickly.
Any response from SmugMug???
Anyway, I found that my old Categories were somehow turned into a top-level folder during the transition to the NEW SmugMug. However, when I create new Categories programmatically, and get a Category ID returned successfully, they do not show up as Folders. So, there is apparently not a way to create Folders via the old API.
So, my app is dead in the water and I am unable to offer my new customers SmugMug services.
SmugMug has dropped the ball in supporting developers who have used their API for purposes other than hobbies, and I'll have to look elsewhere unless a new non-OAuth API is published very quickly.
Any response from SmugMug???
On further experimentation, yes, when a new Category is created, it does NOT appear as a Folder in the browser. BUT, when I add a new Album to that new Category, that Category DOES appear as a top-level Folder (in the browser) and I can drag and drop photos in that new Album (or Gallery as it is called).
So, my immediate problem is solved, maybe. Note that I have NOT officially switched to the NEW SmugMug and remain in Preview mode, so I don't know if things will change after that happens.