some 4x5 color slides and a self portrait

I dont have a scanner so I used some paper, my strobe and my D300 to take a picture of each slide. The paper is what cause the weird blotches

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr
I started a six-point perspective self portrait series as well. this is 1 of 10

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr
just thought Id share. If you feel the need to critique please feel free too :dunno

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr
I started a six-point perspective self portrait series as well. this is 1 of 10

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr
just thought Id share. If you feel the need to critique please feel free too :dunno
My Photography: