Customize Doesn't Load & Image 'Cropping'

There is a glitch on one of my pages. Clicking 'Customize' does nothing. Same for manually inputting link in the browser or right click new tab etc. Restarted browser (Firefox) and tested cross browser.
Here is the bad page. I am going to delete it once it's no longer needed to trouble shoot the glitch. I've not checked all the pages of my site, but those that I checked worked fine.
To Fix: I created a new page and 'copy & pasted' my original page's text and so far, all went fine. So technically the page is no longer needed, but it's still a bug, so thought this could be helpful to mention.
Possible cause: I had attempted to add a single photo when I discovered today's upload bug and the page had otherwise been working fine.
Also, I've noticed a bug where some newly uploaded photos display as thumbnails instead of the original vertical via lightbox or when used as a single photo content block - even when selecting 'original' size (although that seems to work for the gallery's lightbox, but not the single photo content block). This is also since today's uploading bug. The image has been re-uploaded and still same.
Skywarn's logo is rectangular:
You can also see this via a few of the photos here:
Here is the bad page. I am going to delete it once it's no longer needed to trouble shoot the glitch. I've not checked all the pages of my site, but those that I checked worked fine.
To Fix: I created a new page and 'copy & pasted' my original page's text and so far, all went fine. So technically the page is no longer needed, but it's still a bug, so thought this could be helpful to mention.
Possible cause: I had attempted to add a single photo when I discovered today's upload bug and the page had otherwise been working fine.
Also, I've noticed a bug where some newly uploaded photos display as thumbnails instead of the original vertical via lightbox or when used as a single photo content block - even when selecting 'original' size (although that seems to work for the gallery's lightbox, but not the single photo content block). This is also since today's uploading bug. The image has been re-uploaded and still same.
Skywarn's logo is rectangular:
You can also see this via a few of the photos here:
Photographic Artist Amber Flowers of Soul Gaze Photography, LLC.
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I first contacted Jill V. in April 2011 & I even wrote a poem.
SmugMug setup & customization services. Contact me!

Proud & helpful Smugger since 2009. Please hire me for Support Hero!!
I first contacted Jill V. in April 2011 & I even wrote a poem.
This may be realted to the code ented on this page. Try adding /#customize to the end of the referenced url to launch the customizer for this page.
Please check any HTML code added to this page to check that it is formatted correctly and that there are no open div, spans or otherwise.
As for here: it looks like there is clipping going on due to the size of the box vs the size of the image within. It looks like there are likely margins that are causing the image to clip. You may be best using an HTML block if you want full control over your custom content. You can also try adjusting the margins and making the image smaller than the containing box.
Thank you for replying.
I had already tried adding /#customize, but it didn't work last night. It did tonight. As I'd suspected, the glitch was due to the single photo content block. Somehow during yesterday's uploading errors, it saved despite the photo not 'existing' yet. Once I was able to access the page and delete the empty block, I saved and tried again and customize worked correctly. It's of course no issue anymore as I just created an alternate page anyway. Just posted about the bug to help.
It was my thought too at first. I'd rearranged margins both via the content block (ruler) and the photo dimensions. One these particular images, there has been no effect. The rest on the page are properly resizing and fitting the dimensions of the content block. There are currently only four images not displaying correctly. Toshiba, 55-200, Hoya RM 72 and Kodak 110. I'd rather not use a HTML block unless I must considering the other images were added the same exact settings and display correctly. These images even clip when opening in the lightbox. They are also clipped in 'organize'. I've tried to re-upload. Same issue.
SmugMug setup & customization services. Contact me!
Proud & helpful Smugger since 2009. Please hire me for Support Hero!!
I first contacted Jill V. in April 2011 & I even wrote a poem.
SmugMug setup & customization services. Contact me!
Proud & helpful Smugger since 2009. Please hire me for Support Hero!!
I first contacted Jill V. in April 2011 & I even wrote a poem.
By the way, my solution mentioned in post #3 also fixed the 'Camera Bag' page's embedded images. I just changed the gallery settings and refreshed the page. The cure was automatic. Thanks anyway. Please pass the correct solution onto the other heroes in case it's needed. Thanks!
SmugMug setup & customization services. Contact me!
Proud & helpful Smugger since 2009. Please hire me for Support Hero!!
I first contacted Jill V. in April 2011 & I even wrote a poem.