[Fixed] Recent Galleries empty in visitor's view for password protected site
I have migrated to the new smugmug and I am having a very weird problem. I have chose the "Shadow" theme - which shows recent galleries on the home page. I can see recent galleries just fine if I am logged in to Smugmug as myself. However, in a separate browser, if I go and see the visitors view - I do not see any galleries at all on the home page.
I have a site wide password for my smugmug account (which I do not wish to share here obviously) - so cannot point to my smugmug web address here. But I was wondering if anyone has had similar issues?
I have a site wide password for my smugmug account (which I do not wish to share here obviously) - so cannot point to my smugmug web address here. But I was wondering if anyone has had similar issues?
You may also find that search and keywords don't work for your visitors. I have contacted Smug support and am awaiting a response.
You can change what is displayed on your homepage until the images are indexed, like a gallery of your choice. Once indexed you can simple go back and change it back to show the recent content.
Recent galleries initially didn't work, then was working, now isn't again. I have switched to a folder instead as a workaround for now.
Keywords intially showed all keywords but only some of the tagged photos. Then it changed to show all keywords, but clicking a keyword wouldn't show any photos. Now there are no keywords showing in the list at all.
Both issues are for guests after logging in with site password.
This is just absolutely crazy that basic features such as "Recent Galleries" is not working in the new smugmug site. This is totally unacceptable.
My email support person suggested:
"Thank you for getting back to us. You will need to change your site visibility in account settings to No-make me an island to allow images to be collected on your site.
I did this but that did not solve this problem.
Photo Blog
I'll add that I had many mails with SM support, and some were of good advice, but did not solved anything at the moment: Actually the last mail I got (two days ago) says clearly that this in an issue, not allways a set up problem (though we have to be carefull with that), and that they are working on this issue.
For my concern: I have a site wide pswd, then folders and galleries all public (inherited) no password, and everything else set to "site settings". And I confirm that the smug search visibilty set to yes does not change anything.
Now this is on the bug report, I hope this will fixed one day!
Thank you. Could you also add the keyword issue to the active bug thread? Not sure if they are caused by the same thing or not.
Please add 'Keywords not displaying in visitor's view for password protected sites'.
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'Thank you for contacting SmugMug. I'm sorry about your troubles.
There is currently an issue with password protected sites where visitors cannot make use of keywords, search and recent photos.
The issue is being worked on, but I can't say on when our engineers would be able to resolve the issue.
My apologies for any inconvenience.'
It's now 9th Sept, six weeks after the new SmugMug was released and still no resolution to this issue.
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Recent galleries now working correctly for me on a site wide pw protected site. Thanks!
If I manually type the address of site.com/keyword/anykeyword then the images do show up for that keyword, which they weren't before.
However, when I go to my /keyword page, no keywords are listed.
Almost there!
But all thoose picts have a locker icon. This is not completely quite correct as my galleries are not pswd protected (I have only a site wide pswd , and visitors have gone through the global pswd at this step.
Anyway, clicking on a picture of the recent photo box goes to the right gallery, that is OK.
The keywords page remains empty as Ande8150 wrote above.
Actually, things are getting better. Thanks!!
Yes, I hacve the lock icon issue too. Will submit.
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