Photo Mechanic Users - Lets talk about keyword syncing
Ok, I've heard some amazing things about this software for keywording, one area that takes me hours/days to do when I shoot event. I mainly shoot cross country events, and currently cull/edit photos in Lightroom, and then upload to my smugmug, then I have the wife copy and past names off of a spreadsheet provided by the event host to update the keywords (names and bib numbers). I find the LR process very clunky, especially when sometimes doing 1000's of photos with unique keywords.
Almost everything i've seen about photo mechanic, which allows you to use shortcuts to auto attach keywords(say type in 123, and it puts the bib number and name in automatically) is old and very vague when it talks about the smugmug integration, anyone has experience with it that can explain if it can sync the keywords without having to reupload all of them (the faster the photos up and tagged/keyworded the more the sales).
Anyone else have any other solutions? I'm more than happy to hear, I have yet to purchase PhotoMechanic... I'm cross posting this to the photomechanic forums too.
Almost everything i've seen about photo mechanic, which allows you to use shortcuts to auto attach keywords(say type in 123, and it puts the bib number and name in automatically) is old and very vague when it talks about the smugmug integration, anyone has experience with it that can explain if it can sync the keywords without having to reupload all of them (the faster the photos up and tagged/keyworded the more the sales).
Anyone else have any other solutions? I'm more than happy to hear, I have yet to purchase PhotoMechanic... I'm cross posting this to the photomechanic forums too.
1. Ingest from card to hard drive using PM
2. Use PM to tag and keyword w/code replacement
3. Delete non-tags
4. Add photos to LR catalog
5. Post process in LR
6. Upload to SM
I shoot raw. PM creates side cars with the keywords and metadata. LR reads it in just fine and passes to smug. I especially like how it handles headlines. Smug search makes it easy for folks to find photos by player number, name, etc.
So my use of PM is limited to ingest and code replacement for keywords and metadata. Once I add to LR I no longer use PM, and I rarely do any more keywording.
The whole reason why I had to tag later was because its more important to have the photos uploaded than to have images tagged(people will spend HOURS clicking through thousands of photos on my site to find their own). it also didn't help the event coordinator would give me the file like 8 hours after the event ended... But what I did end up doing at my last race, edited the photos in LR and uploaded them to my smugmug, I got the participants list after I was done uploading. What I do before I uploaded the photos to smugmug I exported to a jpg to add the printmark(via watermark feature) the use the upload tool. I then took in those images into PM, and did the key wording, back in LR I then synchronized metadata that PM just added to the jpegs and now can sync the metadata with smugmug!
Even better news for me.... I got the event coordinator to give me the participants list before the event