Harris Hawk low approach
I was at a Falconer demonstration at Dunrobin Castle, Scotland.. The handler ran behind me and called the bird to wow the crowd with a low fly-by...

Harris Hawk, Low Approach by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr

Tail Feathers by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr

Harris Hawk, Low Approach by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr

Tail Feathers by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr
Very nice.
Link to my Smugmug site
He was moving fast, easily 30mph or more.. At 10 frames per second I only managed to get off 6 frames and the last 2 were tailfeathers and blue skies..
I did hang around for some more pictures of the demonstration..
In this one the Falconer is in the lower right of the frame (with the hat on) and the Hawk is coming in to the glove..
Harris Hawk 2 by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr
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Photos: jowest.smugmug.com
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