Journal type gallery-not all photos appear on the site
I noticed that for the Journal type gallery, not all of my photos appears on my site. I believe I am suing the "Shadow" template, and this issue is only with IE8. On Chrom all the photos show up fine.
I am also not talking about just uploaded photos, I am talking about photos that have been there all this time. It seems that when you scroll down, after about 10-14 photos, only the caption appears but not the photos themselves. In the old Smugmug, I think there is a list of 10 photos on a page and then you have to click to go to the next page. In the new SM eveything seems to be on the same page but not everyhting appears. Hopefully the attachement shows what I mean.
Is it just me or this is a known issue?
I am also not talking about just uploaded photos, I am talking about photos that have been there all this time. It seems that when you scroll down, after about 10-14 photos, only the caption appears but not the photos themselves. In the old Smugmug, I think there is a list of 10 photos on a page and then you have to click to go to the next page. In the new SM eveything seems to be on the same page but not everyhting appears. Hopefully the attachement shows what I mean.
Is it just me or this is a known issue?
Pickled Photons
I happened to like the photo to fill my screen thus the choice of the Journal gallery and not thumbnails, smugmug style etc. I looked at the option of using slideshow but it seems in slideshow the caption does not appear?
On somedays, it seems to me that Smugmug business model is to make it as difficult as possible to set up a site here (I know that sounds crazy). But if you look at the threads on SM, you can sense the frustrations of folks trying to get things to work. I am not sure if part of that model is only those who are into CSS or into coding generally are worthy to have their page set up here-like a badge of honor/barrier to entry. But then again, that is a crazy model.
Sure the argument is, SM tagline is, is that it is 100% customizable. But then, that is not strictly true either isn't it?
Not to hijack this thread but I am about at my whits end. I am a software engineer by trade and from solely technical standpoint, what SM has done is impressive and the cost, especially to those who spent hours/days/weeks customizing our "legacy" sites was/is high.
I am at the point now of getting down to the nitty gritty and am tweaking things like making my own buttons for my journal style galleries. One of the frustrations I have run into is the lack of documentation prior to launch.
My emails to the team, which in years past have been relatively quickly and competently answered have become much more terse and unhelpful. I am not exaggerating when I say that I asked and extremely specific technical question and mentioned that I had it posted here with no responses and was told to BUMP my post. I replied and thanked him for his advice on how to use internet forums and that in the future actually answering a customers question instead of referring them back here (still no response to date and I have bumped 3 times) would lead to a much higher customer satisfaction rate.
I am hopeful that this is something growing pains for them and that this is not a foreshadowing of how business will be done in the future as I am beyond disappointed right now as a long time customer.