Organizer (recreatable) bug AND heads up heroes!!

Love the new site but slogging through some frustrating bugs or "features".
There is a bug with the Organizer that I've been able to recreate:
1- When creating a brand new gallery that you want to be populated by Smart Rules the creation will fail.
Typing "setup" will take you to a blank page with a url ending on ".dmg" - at that point you are toast.
I can recreate it at will. - Here's a workaround: create the empty gallery, save it and THEN come back and update (setup) your smart rules.
On occassion another "bug" or "feature" is that the Organizer temporarily"breaks" a folder or gallery. My experience is whenever you update many keywords or create a gallery with Smart options that seem to have "a lot" of results (300+) as a result of the rule it can happen. That's a guess on my part as to why it happens but it has happened to me 5 times.
Here the FACTS: The bottom line is the Organizer will hang with a "loading picture" message and just sit there.Eventually if you are patient enough, or if you hit refresh a TIME OUT and all sorts of "Bat signal" messages will be produced and more recently "Gateway Time Out with reference: xxxxx".
As far as I can tell eventually it clears up. At least it has for me FIVE different times. It would be good to know if it clears through human intervemtion on the servers or by itself. Meaning Not sure if it's through Ops intervation or just time. However sometimes it can take hours. And if you contact the heroes they come back and advice you to "clear the cache, restart the browser, etc..." That answer does NOT WORK on this problem. EVen if you do all that in fact even if you go to ANOTHER computer ANOTHER browser that particular folder or gallery will just make the Organizer hang with a "loading picture" message. It just happened to me AGAIN on my computer and it's evident on all other computers including tablets. Out of frustration I just registered here and Im posting this message.
I know the Heroes are busy (God bless them) but it's frustrating to a customer to wait (you can't touch that folder or galleries while it is "broken") only to get a standard "please recycle your browser" email in response. It may work for other problems but NOT for this one. I've reaised this up twice to heroes but I just get the "please reload browser... clear cache... etc...
OK I'll take some cheese with that "whine".
Am I the only one reporting these problems?
There is a bug with the Organizer that I've been able to recreate:
1- When creating a brand new gallery that you want to be populated by Smart Rules the creation will fail.
Typing "setup" will take you to a blank page with a url ending on ".dmg" - at that point you are toast.
I can recreate it at will. - Here's a workaround: create the empty gallery, save it and THEN come back and update (setup) your smart rules.
On occassion another "bug" or "feature" is that the Organizer temporarily"breaks" a folder or gallery. My experience is whenever you update many keywords or create a gallery with Smart options that seem to have "a lot" of results (300+) as a result of the rule it can happen. That's a guess on my part as to why it happens but it has happened to me 5 times.
Here the FACTS: The bottom line is the Organizer will hang with a "loading picture" message and just sit there.Eventually if you are patient enough, or if you hit refresh a TIME OUT and all sorts of "Bat signal" messages will be produced and more recently "Gateway Time Out with reference: xxxxx".
As far as I can tell eventually it clears up. At least it has for me FIVE different times. It would be good to know if it clears through human intervemtion on the servers or by itself. Meaning Not sure if it's through Ops intervation or just time. However sometimes it can take hours. And if you contact the heroes they come back and advice you to "clear the cache, restart the browser, etc..." That answer does NOT WORK on this problem. EVen if you do all that in fact even if you go to ANOTHER computer ANOTHER browser that particular folder or gallery will just make the Organizer hang with a "loading picture" message. It just happened to me AGAIN on my computer and it's evident on all other computers including tablets. Out of frustration I just registered here and Im posting this message.
I know the Heroes are busy (God bless them) but it's frustrating to a customer to wait (you can't touch that folder or galleries while it is "broken") only to get a standard "please recycle your browser" email in response. It may work for other problems but NOT for this one. I've reaised this up twice to heroes but I just get the "please reload browser... clear cache... etc...
OK I'll take some cheese with that "whine".
Am I the only one reporting these problems?
1. Reported to QA. Thanks.
2. What's the link to your account? Did you email the Heroes from the email on file for your account? If not, can you include the case numbers where you reported the issue?
Do you currently see the issue for any folder or gallery in the organizer? If so, can you reply via email to the latest HelpDesk case with details? Include the specific folder / gallery link and a few detail on what you last did on the folder / gallery before the issue occurred.
All in all, this is something we should be better able to investigate on the HelpDesk. And make sure to directly reply to the most recent case to keep it all in one case and not to create a new chain via the email form. That'll help us to better assess the situation, especially since we then can more easily see what other Heroes have suggested before.
SmugMug Support Hero
Late edit:
Like you said, the more results it returns, the worse the problem is. My findings indicate that there's a severe problem when the number of results returned is > the 1000 limit, the whole thing goes to Hell in a handcart and disappears up its own backside.
Browse Digital Grin and you'll see lots of folks reporting problems with the new SM.