Facebook ALERT

rich56krich56k Registered Users Posts: 547 Major grins
edited September 8, 2013 in Mind Your Own Business
Be forewarned and informed...

Here are the links from the alert - please check them out - this is outrageous






  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited September 5, 2013
    Kinda funny, last time they did this, they ended up backing off saying they wouldn't do it again...right.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • GlortGlort Registered Users Posts: 1,015 Major grins
    edited September 6, 2013
    I have just started using Face waste.
    I'm regretting it already.
  • jmphotocraftjmphotocraft Registered Users Posts: 2,987 Major grins
    edited September 6, 2013
    File this under "No Shit Sherlock". Anytime you use a "free" online service, YOU are the product.

    Glort, you can use FB to your advantage. Stick with it.

    An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited September 7, 2013
    Glort wrote: »
    I have just started using Face waste.
    I'm regretting it already.

    Whoa!!! Ya jus don't come across as a Face Book kinda guy. :D

  • rich56krich56k Registered Users Posts: 547 Major grins
    edited September 7, 2013
    ian408 wrote: »
    Kinda funny, last time they did this, they ended up backing off saying they wouldn't do it again...right.

    Business as usual for them...

    I stumbled upon the lawsuit story (gee wheres the mainstream media when you really need 'em? ). What I found most distressing was that the heart of the matter is that under Calif law each violation (of using peoples info without knowledge) of which is punishable by a minimum $750 fine per affected person, so it turns out that facebuck made more than $245 MILLION using the scam, then offers $10 M to settle!!

    Here's the initial post about the attempt by fb to deny and settle...


    Now here's the actual final settlement story from the other day...


    Member: ASMP; EP; NPPA; CPS
  • PhotogbikerPhotogbiker Registered Users Posts: 351 Major grins
    edited September 7, 2013
    I agree with the 'buyer beware' or 'nothing is free' intent of the Sherlock comment, however I do feel this goes beyond that by a large gap. I use a number of free services and I understand and accept that they will post ads and try to sell me things. If I upload my sex, age, race etc. they will then profile me to companies targeting my group and again try harder to sell me something. No problem. Pop ups? bring em on. Cookies? place them.

    But this act by Facebook is pure stealing, no other way around it. Not even trying to hide it with fancy language. Post a pic we like and we'll sell it. Your avatar is a pretty girl that fits a demographic? We'll take it and sell it to someone to use on their acne cream ad. Copyrighted material? Not anymore, you post it we own it, we sell it, you're screwed.

    Goes way too far and eventually all that will be posted are iphone selfies and pictures of taco platters. Nobody with a brain will post a high quality salable image. I am a big free market guy so I won't push for new laws or say it is illegal, just not right way to do business in my opinion and I will vote with my business and tell others about it. Facebook has to make the decision if it is worth it.
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited September 7, 2013
    If FB uses an image of mine with two recognizable people (who aren't Facebook users) in it and they decide to sue. Who pays?
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • AngeloAngelo Super Moderators Posts: 8,937 moderator
    edited September 8, 2013
    ian408 wrote: »
    If FB uses an image of mine with two recognizable people (who aren't Facebook users) in it and they decide to sue. Who pays?

    My thought exactly!
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited September 8, 2013
    ian408 wrote: »
    If FB uses an image of mine with two recognizable people (who aren't Facebook users) in it and they decide to sue. Who pays?
    FB certainly won't. naughty.gif
  • GlortGlort Registered Users Posts: 1,015 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2013
    Sam wrote: »
    Whoa!!! Ya jus don't come across as a Face Book kinda guy. :D


    You're Damn right there!
    Been using it a bit over a week and my opinion of it is lower than when I started.
    WTF is with all these people wanting to be my friends when I have no idea who the hell they are?
    Then with the 20 people that have stalked and found me and made me their friends that I do know like family and 10+year friends, I get all this dribble about every comment they make and who they like.

    Seriously, I'd kill for my 22 yo Niece but her taste in Music, fashion and TV show is never going to be anything I'm remotely interested in so why bombard me with it?
    Then of course there is the long list of suggested friends that comes up every single time. Again, my nice's girlfirends are never going to be interested in her fat, old, Ugly, balding, married, diabetic, grumpy, uncool uncle that has kids that have far more in common with them than I do, so why in the hell would they want to know me? ne_nau.gif

    I'm not rich so that pretty much kills the only reason I can think of.
    Maybe some of them just get turned on sitting around listening to old buggers talk about when bread was .20 C a loaf? rolleyes1.gif

    No damn wonder people get stalked and girls have weirdos chasing them. Of course then the girls will announce to the world where they are going to be next Friday night which must be like hitting the jackpot for some weirdo stalker.

    What really disappointed me with face waste was I copied the pic above and the links and put a post warning about this on my page. Not a single like or comment.
    People just don't seem to care which is really a worry to me. I wrote that people private personal and family pics could be used on advertising campaigns without their knowledge or permission and no one seems to give a hoot.

    Ironically when I do event work with kids, I ALWAYS get a few people whos main education comes from trumped up " Current affairs" programs aimed at the bottom of the intelligence pit giving me the 3rd degree about what I'm going to do with the pics later?
    It seems though no one give a damn about what facewaste does with them.

    I was doing regular updates as is supposedly the way to build a face waste site but since seeing this I haven't done anymore. I Guess I'll make sure to make the size of the pics I was posting a LOT smaller and put a water mark right across them. Kind of defeats the whole damn idea of impressing people with your work though which is why I'm wondering if the thing is half what it's cracked up to be?

    I still can't see it bringing the flood of business so many people rave about or even bringing in anything much at all.

    If all I'm going to get out of it is ripped off, then my disdain for the whole childish load of rubbish has been well placed all along.
  • jmphotocraftjmphotocraft Registered Users Posts: 2,987 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2013
    But this act by Facebook is pure stealing

    Nope. You cannot steal what is given to you freely.

    An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited September 8, 2013
    Nope. You cannot steal what is given to you freely.

    Define "freely".

    What they've done is say "your photos are yours." on day one. Fast forward a few years and a few gigabytes and their new policy says "you grant us the right to do whatever, including sell...".
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • jmphotocraftjmphotocraft Registered Users Posts: 2,987 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2013
    What part of freely don't you understand?

    I joined FB I think 4 or 5 years ago. I seem to recall the policy at that time was "photos you upload to facebook belong to us."

    An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
  • J AllenJ Allen Registered Users Posts: 359 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2013
    Can't you just post a link to your website that has all your photo's and not worry about someone stealing your photo's on FB? That would drive people to your site, keep your photo's safe from Facebook, and you would still be posting updates to your page. And if you post photo's on FB why not use a watermark on them.
    -Joe Allen
    My Smugmug Site
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