Fort San Cristóbal
At the entrance to San Juan Bay. Look here for more info:
Very cool place.
Photographed in late afternoon light rushing around because we only had 15 minutes before closing time. I got seperated from my wife and got locked in. Had to have one of the park rangers let me out - all the while being berated by both the ranger and my wife. :toni It was worth it though.

Very cool place.
Photographed in late afternoon light rushing around because we only had 15 minutes before closing time. I got seperated from my wife and got locked in. Had to have one of the park rangers let me out - all the while being berated by both the ranger and my wife. :toni It was worth it though.

Hopefully your wife got over her frustration after a nice stroll through "Old San Juan" and a few shops later....
Thanks! No, didn't get to El Morro. You're right - she was fine shortly after that. We both enjoyed the Old San Juan area - she for the shops and me for the "old feel".
Nice work.
Excellent stuff!
We are planning on going back next year for a few days, haven't been to the island for about five years now.
The light was fantastic - I couldn't have asked for any better (except maybe more time but I still would have to have rushed around so as not to waste the light I suppose).
A note of interest on that last shot - that was actually a dark room under the fortress (I believe under the walls but not sure because we had already gone down in a couple tunnels at that point). I lit it up with a bounced flash. Had to work it in post to get that nice texture/color to pop out.
Thanks for the comments everyone!
Regretfully, they didn't bring back memories. They did add another location to my list of must see places to visit before I die.
Photographs by Dixie
| Canon 1Ds | Canon 5D Mark II | Canon 5D | Canon 50D | Canon 10D | Canon EOS Elan 7 | Mamiya Pro S RB67 |
...and bunches of Canon lenses - I'm equipment rich and dollar poor!
Thanks Dixie!