Freaking unbelievable. I've been following the news about the area as I have friends and family there. Hopefully, tonight's rains won't make it too much worse. Please keep clicking and keep us posted.
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I hope it stops raining soon. Fort Collins seems to be OK so far., but there's a flood warning. From a photographer's perspective I think your last shot is great.
A friend in FoCo is reporting some flooding already. Either the Data Center or the power has gone out at the college. Other friends are on their way to Steamboat for the annual KTM Rally-they will see some rain and t-storms but nothing like what Boulder area is experiencing.
I guess 36 and a number of other major roads are closed and anyone wanting to get around needs to make a long detour.
Hopefully, you guys are able to stay safe and dry. And I do hope the rain abates soon.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Thanks for the good vibes, it's been a long few days. We thought our house was going to make it until two nights ago, right after I posted the pics above. We had just settled in to catch up on The Bridge episodes and enjoy a few Belgian beers. We knew our street was a river but didn't think our entire condo complex would soon be as well. I got up to have a look outside as the rain had really picked up in the last 20 minutes and low and behold our car was underwater in our parking spot and the water was rising fast. We didn't think that would have been possible, even with this amount of rain. I immediately went outside to move it in case it wasn't too late but alas the floorboards were all covered in standing nasty water already. The car started up and I moved it back about 20 feet to the edge of our garage (no room cars inside, too many bikes!) as our garages are the high point and ended up acting as an island of sorts. I started bailing out water and got the shop vac out to keep working on it.
Around that time we began to realize the situation was much worse as the building across from us was where all the water was actually coming from. Many of our neighbors had to open both their front & rear doors and just let the water pour through their houses in hopes of stopping any additional physical damage to windows or doors. Our building ended up being an island of sorts as well as the water streamed on both sides in our parking lot out front and the street to the rear. We got flooded as well, but only relatively minor flooding from backed up sewers which is of course plenty gross.
So after running around loaning the shop vac to folks and feeble attempts at fighting the water we ended up making it a block party and shared some beers, laughs & tears on the porch until 2am until we were satisfied we could safely go to bed for the night.
The next morning was crazy, the destructive power of water is simply amazing. Our street was buckled and a sink hole formed in the intersection near our house. Someone's Land Rover ended up in a tree and there were plenty of fences, trees, misc debris, etc. where they weren't supposed to be.
Now we have an army of workers already setting up de-humidifers, ripping up flooring and getting things done. Pretty impressive response already from the insurance companies and restoration folks. The community has really come together and it is great to see that. Too often we go by day to day and ignore each other. Hopefully we've made some new friends out of this and re-kindled some good neighborly relations.
A few cell phone pics since I haven't had any more time to take any 'real photos'. Hopefully I'll get out this week for some post-disaster and clean up pics.
Our parking lot with the various car parked near the garage 'refuge'
Sinkhole in the street
You may have to squint for this one, but the water is raging here.
Jeeze Nick, that's a wee bit too close for comfort. I hate to say it but flooding is one of the worst things for a car. Once it gets water in the passenger compartment, almost all bets are off and it's almost better to just let it go and take the insurance write off
Just hoping the worst of it is over and things start clearing up.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Wow Nick! Glad you are, for the most-part OK. Thanks for the eye-witness account!
Sounds like your flood natural disaster gives the same feelings of being slapped around helplessly by Mother Nature,
as happens during fire, tornado, hurricane etc. Serious stuff! Best of luck during the aftermath!
I've been really worried though - is your NEW BIKE OK ?!? :giggle
I've been really worried though - is your NEW BIKE OK ?!? :giggle
it was the first thing to be moved toward the back of the garage and away from the water
And is 100% fine along with the rest of the garage contents. Now only if our trails can get ready again, gonna have to put in a lot of trail building hours methinks!
Just hoping the worst of it is over and things start clearing up.
Yeah us too, yesterday was good but it rained a good amount again today though nothing crazy yet.
The insurance adjuster stopped by today and indicated they could just 'clean' the interior of the car. Nope. Not gonna play it that way. It gets towed to our shop tomorrow for an inspection of the engine and such, but no way we are keeping the interior as is with only cleaning. Yuck.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I guess 36 and a number of other major roads are closed and anyone wanting to get around needs to make a long detour.
Hopefully, you guys are able to stay safe and dry. And I do hope the rain abates soon.
Around that time we began to realize the situation was much worse as the building across from us was where all the water was actually coming from. Many of our neighbors had to open both their front & rear doors and just let the water pour through their houses in hopes of stopping any additional physical damage to windows or doors. Our building ended up being an island of sorts as well as the water streamed on both sides in our parking lot out front and the street to the rear. We got flooded as well, but only relatively minor flooding from backed up sewers which is of course plenty gross.
So after running around loaning the shop vac to folks and feeble attempts at fighting the water we ended up making it a block party and shared some beers, laughs & tears on the porch until 2am until we were satisfied we could safely go to bed for the night.
The next morning was crazy, the destructive power of water is simply amazing. Our street was buckled and a sink hole formed in the intersection near our house. Someone's Land Rover ended up in a tree and there were plenty of fences, trees, misc debris, etc. where they weren't supposed to be.
Now we have an army of workers already setting up de-humidifers, ripping up flooring and getting things done. Pretty impressive response already from the insurance companies and restoration folks. The community has really come together and it is great to see that. Too often we go by day to day and ignore each other. Hopefully we've made some new friends out of this and re-kindled some good neighborly relations.
A few cell phone pics since I haven't had any more time to take any 'real photos'. Hopefully I'll get out this week for some post-disaster and clean up pics.
Our parking lot with the various car parked near the garage 'refuge'
Sinkhole in the street
You may have to squint for this one, but the water is raging here.
Just hoping the worst of it is over and things start clearing up.
Sounds like your flood natural disaster gives the same feelings of being slapped around helplessly by Mother Nature,
as happens during fire, tornado, hurricane etc. Serious stuff! Best of luck during the aftermath!
I've been really worried though - is your NEW BIKE OK ?!? :giggle
And is 100% fine along with the rest of the garage contents. Now only if our trails can get ready again, gonna have to put in a lot of trail building hours methinks!
Yeah us too, yesterday was good but it rained a good amount again today though nothing crazy yet.
The insurance adjuster stopped by today and indicated they could just 'clean' the interior of the car. Nope. Not gonna play it that way. It gets towed to our shop tomorrow for an inspection of the engine and such, but no way we are keeping the interior as is with only cleaning. Yuck.
Search & Rescue Command Center at our aiport
Blackhawk off on a SAR mission
The might Chinook off to pull people out of the mountains
Gonna be awhile before this tennis court is used again
Surveying the damage
Chautauqua Park Closed
Going to have do lots of trail work to get things running again!
The park looks like it'll be OK once it dries out and it can be groomed with a trail machine. The tennis courts, that's disgusting
Yeah that might be them assisting, I know the Colorado ANG is involved too. Yeah the park will be fine, just going to need plenty of trail work.
A few more pics from today - went up the street to document workers recovering vehicles out of the retirement home parking garage. Massive damage!