[Fixed] Unexpected behaviour navigating in Lightbox
I've no idea how long this has been going on, I only noticed it this morning, I'll walk you through it...
It's an odd one, eh? And it doesn't affect all galleries.
I tried disabling ALL CSS code hacks but it made no difference. It happens logged-in and logged-out.
Does anybody else see what I see?
FWIW: XP SP3, Firefox 23.0.1, New SM
- Open this gallery (although the bug(?) isn't confined to only this gallery.)
- Click the FIRST pic to open it in Lightbox.
- Click the LEFT nav arrow. I was expecting it to take me "round the Horn backwards", ie to take me to the LAST pic in the gallery, but it doesn't. It takes me to a pic somewhere in the middle of the gallery.
It's an odd one, eh? And it doesn't affect all galleries.
I tried disabling ALL CSS code hacks but it made no difference. It happens logged-in and logged-out.
Does anybody else see what I see?
FWIW: XP SP3, Firefox 23.0.1, New SM
Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
Edit: Windows 7, Chrome 29
Thanks for taking the time to confirm this bug
Here are a couple of links for anyone that wants to check out the "bug":
A Collage Portrait gallery
A Journal gallery
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I was able to reproduce that on the link above here using opera12 browser. After a refresh the button becomes clickable.
Same here on my site. Hit refresh and wait until the lightbox is fully loaded again (will take a few seconds), then the button is clickable even for the first image.
SM does NOT support Opera Browser.
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"This was an issue several months back..."? I didn't know that "organic (collage) style galleries" were available in Legacy
What combo of OS/browser did you use to reproduce it?
Can you let us know the ticket number, please?
I'm able to reproduce with 100% consistency on the organic style on the 1st image of the page being opened directly to lightbox (refreshing the page once it's in lightbox, basically) on FireFox. This did get brought to my attention and a fix is being worked on now, thanks for the clear report!
That's good news
Happy to help - I like to get to grips with problems in order to get them fixed, and I've found that having the max amount of info is a key part of the process. Unlike some folks, I tend not to discount or discredit any evidence until it's absolutely certain that there's no longer a need for it.
I look forward to seeing the effects of your fix :cool
Yes... chrome is the only one isn't it? Too bad chrome isn't very useful to me. So i live with the opera bugs in new SM before i would install chrome on this machine.
Anyway... bug has been identified and it is not operas fault...
You can go here to see the supported browsers and systems.
tl;dr Chrome, FF, Safari and IE9+
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That's all I've got.
Now it's down to you, SmugMug.
Photo Blog
To reproduce, follow this example:
From my homepage, click "Fellwalking" > "Day Walks" > "YHA Keswick - January 2013" and then open the first image "Hartsop Dodd et al" in Lightbox.
Occasionally the back-arrow there is greyed-out, but usually it's active. If it is greyed-out, a screen-refresh (either soft or "F5" key in Firefox/XP) will usually make it active.
When the back-arrow is active, clicking it always jumps to the 18th image ("Water Margin").
This happens in all of my galleries where the following conditions apply:
1: More than 18 images;
2: Gallery style = Collage Landscape or Collage Portrait.
Sorry, but you need to go back and have another look at this.
Please remove the [Fixed] prefix from the thread title and return the thread to the Active Bug List.
Photo Blog
Thanks for reincarnating this issue in the Active Bugs List, please be aware that the back-arrow bug doesn't take you to a random photo, it always goes to the 18th
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Thanks for your efforts, Guys & Gals