help changing font color

Was able to convert my legacy to the new Smugmug, but I can't seem to change a font color that is driving me nuts.
I'd like the font that shows on the Galleries as the "Bottom Bar" info title to be separate from what the font is for the Caption title.
For example, shows the blue color for both the left hand side Gallery images as well as the Caption title for the photo that is selected - so far I'm just test on the single photo of the NYC skyline. I need more contrast on the text for the Gallery photo's "Bottom Bar" but when I change that to white, I don't want the Caption title to be white. Help
I'd like the font that shows on the Galleries as the "Bottom Bar" info title to be separate from what the font is for the Caption title.
For example, shows the blue color for both the left hand side Gallery images as well as the Caption title for the photo that is selected - so far I'm just test on the single photo of the NYC skyline. I need more contrast on the text for the Gallery photo's "Bottom Bar" but when I change that to white, I don't want the Caption title to be white. Help