Stroboframe Press-T question

I finally received the subject (along with the cord), which I'm gonna use along with 580EX and Canon 20D. In general it looks very nice and I like it. I have only once concern: the screw that is used to attach camera to the bracket requires a coin or a flat screwdriver, and the screw that is used to adjust the height requires Phillips screwdriver.
Problem: I usually don't carry any change, and I'm not fond of the idea of carrying screwdrivers in my already heavy photo bag.
How do you guys solve this issue? Always carry some quarters? And a Philips head? :dunno
Problem: I usually don't carry any change, and I'm not fond of the idea of carrying screwdrivers in my already heavy photo bag.
How do you guys solve this issue? Always carry some quarters? And a Philips head? :dunno
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Thank you!
I was considering that, and your response confirmed my thoughts on it!
Since I take my LowePro backpack with me *everywhere* I think it would mean the same to me:-)