Collage landscape clipped at right edge
If you are using collage landscape style galleries the photos on the right edge get clipped/cut off because of the space between the photos.
Below is a screenshot that shows three different states of a collage landscape gallery.
On the left you can see the default behaviour. You would not notice that the photo on the right end is shorter then the original view. I discovered that when working with drop-shadows. The shadow is there on the photo next to the last one but is cut off for the last image in the current row.
The screenshot in the middle shows a trick found here that expands the photo container to the right so no photo get cut off. The bad thing is that nothing is really centered anymore...
If you remove the spaces between the icons you can see the complete last photo. So i assume that the spaces seem to be the reason why the last photo get cut off at the right edge of the gallery. Have a careful look to the screenshot on the left and right and you can see that the photo on the right is slightly larger then the photo on the left.
I can work with the trick found at the link above for drop shadows, but i don't like that my photos get cut off at the right edge of the gallery...
Sample gallery can be found here.
Below is a screenshot that shows three different states of a collage landscape gallery.
On the left you can see the default behaviour. You would not notice that the photo on the right end is shorter then the original view. I discovered that when working with drop-shadows. The shadow is there on the photo next to the last one but is cut off for the last image in the current row.
The screenshot in the middle shows a trick found here that expands the photo container to the right so no photo get cut off. The bad thing is that nothing is really centered anymore...
If you remove the spaces between the icons you can see the complete last photo. So i assume that the spaces seem to be the reason why the last photo get cut off at the right edge of the gallery. Have a careful look to the screenshot on the left and right and you can see that the photo on the right is slightly larger then the photo on the left.
I can work with the trick found at the link above for drop shadows, but i don't like that my photos get cut off at the right edge of the gallery...
Sample gallery can be found here.
Anyway, it works.
Yes... i cannot count the "workarounds" i'm using to work with new SM... use HTML instead of Text box because of centered text, do not preview "custom pages" because preview removes "Just this..." entries from the customizer menu, manually sort my slideshow because there is no random feature, don't use multi word keywords because that feature seem to be broken, not using 1:1 grid/thumbnails because featured photos are always centered instead of using manually cropped thumbs, not using pinned sidebar because preview of search results get covered by the sidebar...
Don't get me wrong... new SM is beautiful. Much better then flickr which i left because of the horrible bugs and slow speed, but there are really a few things SM should work on...
I'm happy you've been able to create workarounds, and completely understand your frustration. I've let our QA folks know that you're all looking for actual solutions.
Thanks for your patience!
Support Hero
Perhaps you could share your awareness of this five week old issue (still not fixed) with you colleague Kevin Wilson, who seemed unaware of it when he jcouldnt confirm it on his Mac, and had me jumping thru hoops for several days before I had to demand escalation and then discovered a related thread.
Are the heroes not made aware of bugs that are confirmed to the point of being in the queue to get fixed?
Thanks for your understanding!
Photo Blog