black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited September 15, 2013
It's a very creative shot, Eric. It kind of catches the viewer off guard. A good photo can evoke a wide range of responses and this one can certainly do that. Well done, my friend.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
It's a very creative shot, Eric. It kind of catches the viewer off guard. A good photo can evoke a wide range of responses and this one can certainly do that. Well done, my friend.
I agree fun shot!! Nicely done! it made me laugh...
It's a very creative shot, Eric. It kind of catches the viewer off guard. A good photo can evoke a wide range of responses and this one can certainly do that. Well done, my friend.
Hey Tom!
Thanks for that feedback - to get a little WTF factor working is always a bonus...
I know we don't need to, and often shouldn't, explain our images, but what-the-heck:
My friend and I were aboard the Star of India - the oldest active merchant sailing ship in the world (1863).
We were in the First Class - Ship's Saloon - Main Deck and I wanted a shot of the teak and glass skylight.
(pictured in the panel is the Greek muse of music, poetry, and joy - Euterpe)
Believe it or not, this was not planned (other than documenting the skylight), or seen at shutter release.
I was reaching up, and looking up, and didn't see Harold at all... Serendipity strikes again.
I agree fun shot!! Nicely done! it made me laugh...
Laughing is good thing Cristóbal - especially for you Coloradans these days...
But, on a serious note, I've been hoping you are keeping safe and dry - the news reports are
shocking and tragic... largest helicopter relief/rescue operation since Katrina.
Thanks for checking-in - be well!
Nicely shot Eric, and a lot to like about it including the symmetry.
As always, thanks for your comments and support Mayfly... appreciated!
Sure is quiet around here, huh? Just us inmates, as they say.... and actually, I'm just the ugly step-child...
I agree fun shot!! Nicely done! it made me laugh...
Hey Tom!
Thanks for that feedback - to get a little WTF factor working is always a bonus...
I know we don't need to, and often shouldn't, explain our images, but what-the-heck:
My friend and I were aboard the Star of India - the oldest active merchant sailing ship in the world (1863).
We were in the First Class - Ship's Saloon - Main Deck and I wanted a shot of the teak and glass skylight.
(pictured in the panel is the Greek muse of music, poetry, and joy - Euterpe)
Believe it or not, this was not planned (other than documenting the skylight), or seen at shutter release.
I was reaching up, and looking up, and didn't see Harold at all... Serendipity strikes again.
Hope you're having fun!
Laughing is good thing Cristóbal - especially for you Coloradans these days...
But, on a serious note, I've been hoping you are keeping safe and dry - the news reports are
shocking and tragic... largest helicopter relief/rescue operation since Katrina.
Thanks for checking-in - be well!
As always, thanks for your comments and support Mayfly... appreciated!
Sure is quiet around here, huh? Just us inmates, as they say.... and actually, I'm just the ugly step-child...