Mini #172 - Still Life - Results

EaracheEarache Registered Users Posts: 3,533 Major grins
edited October 16, 2013 in The Dgrin Challenges
Thanks again to y'all who submitted images - welcome aboard to the new participants - always nice to see new folks and their work.
I'm gonna' go ahead and give HM's to Everybody!.... just for pitching-in to keep things alive around here.
I know, it's too much like the dreaded "Participant Award", but, please indulge me.
I do have specific comments and suggestions on several images, and then
the top 3 - so, onward we go - comments are in the order of submission...

travelways - Onion
Nice - I like this one a lot as an example of how to take a single ordinary object, apply composition, lighting and a little pleasing PP to create an objet d'art.

grandmaR - untitled
I know you didn't intend this as an enty, but I think it's the best of the group you submitted grandmaR.
Food shots succeed when they make you want to eat 'em - where's my spoon!?!

Alan, thanks for sharing, even though you were not entering this time - I know that I am not alone here in feeling always-the-better for having viewing your work.

Cavalier - Courting Candles
I like the image, and I like the "oldness" of the subject and PP here Cavalier - nice lighting too.
My suggestion - in terms of creating a "still life" - would be to simplify the composition - lower the angle,
and keep select objects whole and featured in the frame. Lots of potential here.

billseye - Bodie
A classic "Old West" style still life with great shape, color and lighting.
For those that haven't been, Bodie is a preserved Ghost Town in the
Eastern Sierra/Mono Lake area of California - a must see if you like old wood, rust, and decay.
I'm surprised Bill found these un-dusty bottles - most things in town have been left alone for over a century.

ShootingStar - Water vs. Metal
Probably not a still life per se, but I like it a lot and looks like something that would have caught my eye too!

Silverblade26 - Still as a pouncing lion
Welcome to Dgrin and thanks for joining us on your first post!
I like the subject and lighting here, but to my eye, the composition would be improved with a less centered, and completely visible subject.

aaronc - Fork

Very nice "modern", objet d'art, still life. Eating utensil compositions are iconic, but for me what stands-out on this one is the altered shape of the shadow - it is unexpected and mysterious.

DonRicklin - Water Spritzer

My wife helped my decide this round (it's OK, she's got a good eye!), and we both liked this one a lot Don.
The simplicity of the colorful object set in a modest, earth-toned setting, glowing in the sun made this a winner for us.

jwear - Very STILL

Everything combines here to please the eye; simple, but detailed natural shapes - soft lighting that enhances the wonderful palette of
pastel tones - the diffuse, impressionistic-appearing surface surrounding the leaf brings your eye right to it - and, it breaks the mold a little as it's probably an outdoor shot.
Lovely image jwear - congrats! Now, you're IT!! :thumb
Eric ~ Smugmug


  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited September 17, 2013
    What can I say first sorry I was off line for a few days second I was suprised 3rd a big thank you for the pick now I have to come up with a theme and it has not bin long enough for me to do birds or wildlife [dammmm] I have to think on this one with the drop off I have to come up with something headscratch.gif I hope you all find this ok but I will come up with the new one on Wednesday sorry to delay but I have not bin on line for 2 days
    Jeff W

  • DonRicklinDonRicklin Registered Users Posts: 5,551 Major grins
    edited September 18, 2013

    Thank you for my first ever Second Place win in any challenge here at Dgrin. I've only ever had Honorable Mentions before. Well deserved first place Jeff! A lot of excellent entries here.

    Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
    'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
    My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook
  • Silverblade26Silverblade26 Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited September 25, 2013
    I tried haha, no worries though .. I'll get it sooner or later
  • rcrjphotosrcrjphotos Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
    edited October 16, 2013
    Love the bottles with the strong backlit windows. Very nice job.
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