How to delete old parent categories?

In the old SmugMug there was a way to edit and delete existing parent and sub-categories.
Is there a way of doing this in the new SmugMug?
For example, if I go into Organiser I see my folders, etc (the ones I'm using) but I want to see all the others which I previously created ages ago but not currently using.
Hope that makes sense. I ask because if I create new galleries but stumble across a URL I've used before it now adds a "-1" on the end of the URL and I want to avoid duplicate folders/pages/gallery names and any potential conflict.
Is there a way of doing this in the new SmugMug?
For example, if I go into Organiser I see my folders, etc (the ones I'm using) but I want to see all the others which I previously created ages ago but not currently using.
Hope that makes sense. I ask because if I create new galleries but stumble across a URL I've used before it now adds a "-1" on the end of the URL and I want to avoid duplicate folders/pages/gallery names and any potential conflict.
But can you give us an example of one of the items you tried creating that gave you an error?
Support Hero and Customeister
I had issues creating a gallery called 'Popular' and when using this to feed my homepage it was pulling in "old" popular images from an old gallery. To rectify I renamed the one I wanted to use to 'Favourites' and this solved the problem.
Just bothered about legacy gallery names, etc causing conflicts in my new layout.