New Gallery showing on old site
I thought the whole point of NOT unveiling the new site was that it didnt affect the old LIVE site at all So how come when I created a new gallery in the organiser for the new UNVEILED site that its showed up on my old live site called "Smug Preview" and also the new images for this gallery showed up under recent photos on my old site as well! Really annoyed over this!!!
on NewSmug do not have the paths that old Smug understands so they are all put in that "Smug Preview"
folder (category on old). That's why I do all my content changes on old Smug before I unveil.
My Website index | My Blog
On old Smug every gallery has to be in a category so they just put these in the "Smug Preview"
category. Remember you only have one content, "your photos", and both new and old use that
with different display formatting and customization.
My Website index | My Blog
Likewise, if you create a gallery or folder, it will appear on the legacy site, being the same site.
You can do what you like, in terms of the look of the site, which won't change anything on the legacy site. I hope that clears things up for you?
You only have one content/database of photos, and both new and old use that
with different display formatting and customization.
My Website index | My Blog
Since you are using a "Folders" content block, only folders are selectable. Try using the "Folders, Pages, Galleries" content block if you wish to use a combination of folders and galleries.
Photo Blog
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
The layout changed from the default smugmug style to having the thumbnails all across the page, which according to all the videos from smugmug this should not have happened. Still at least its easier than having to upload loads of images to fine art america
I should add a lot more to my FAA site, because I've made quite a few sales there, and it's great to have a spot that I can sell matted, framed, & canvas works as well as the rest. Since since they don't crop your work, & people have lots of choices of frames & mats, it gives many options that aren't available for your work elsewhere. Once you've uploaded, you don't really have to do a thing. I think a best-case scenario is to put some of your best work there (and/or what you think may sell the easiest) even while you're still uploading here a lot. It's two somewhat separate worlds, but they both have their excellent purposes. It's sometimes surprising what sells the most, though... Well, good luck with getting your site set up!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Like others, I wanted to play in the alleged sandbox for a while before unveiling. But I found that the old setup was affected much more be the sandboxed tdesign than the (very incomplete) sm documentation called out. It was impossible to find out wHat effects there would be withou trying it, observing the unwanted effects, and contacting the heroes, who were sometimes candid, sometimes evasive, and sometimes clueless.
As a result, I decided to unveil early, reasoning that it was tough enough to deal with new design issues without having to constantly be watching for weirdness in the old, but still live, site, which was after all what my clients were seeing. This has led to a fairly tense experience, since it's my busiest time of year.
So yes , Virginia, your legacy site will indeed be affected by what goes on in the sandbox, more than you've been led to expect. Heads up!