Two word keywords not sticking
From time to time I add a keyword that is two words such as "Rich Pepp". The problem I have now is that there are certain situations where they now get split up. The process is
1. Add keyword pair to photo using quotation marks e.g. "Rich Pepp"
2. Check captions - now shows 'Rich Pepp' without quotation marks. This is correct
3. Save caption
4. Check captions again - now shows 'Rich;Pepp' - two keywords
This also happens if I enter the initial keyword pair using a semi-colon ie. 'Rich Pepp;'
This doesn't appear to happen if there are multiple keywords e.g. 'Rich Pepp;scottish' as then there is the semi-colon delimiter to keep the words together
Hope this all makes sense. The work around for the moment is just to pay attention whenever I am editing captions to ensure that I put the semicolon on the end of the list each time
1. Add keyword pair to photo using quotation marks e.g. "Rich Pepp"
2. Check captions - now shows 'Rich Pepp' without quotation marks. This is correct
3. Save caption
4. Check captions again - now shows 'Rich;Pepp' - two keywords
This also happens if I enter the initial keyword pair using a semi-colon ie. 'Rich Pepp;'
This doesn't appear to happen if there are multiple keywords e.g. 'Rich Pepp;scottish' as then there is the semi-colon delimiter to keep the words together
Hope this all makes sense. The work around for the moment is just to pay attention whenever I am editing captions to ensure that I put the semicolon on the end of the list each time
If you look at the keyword cloud, it lists both words as one keyword.
It didn't add anything to the caption.
SmugMug Support Hero
[ETA: Found this Bug in the Active Bug list: It's not titled very well, but it seems to be about multi-keywords that have been migrated over from Legacy. They split up if they don't have the semi-colon added at the end too, so it seems like probably the same bug?]
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
No I'm actually just a muppet, I meant keywords. I spotted the issue because I was trying to enter keywords for photos that someone had already entered the captions on so my head got a bit messed. That may have contributed to the confusion over my post. It does seem to be exactly what you posted above and I did search first for it but it's difficult to describe
Thanks again - I hope it gets noted now
Anyway, I'm convinced this bug is not fully described in the Active Bug list: . If you know what's missing from the description, maybe ping M. Bonocore (because no replies are allowed to that particular thread). It's also described as a "rare condition...blah blah...." but what I see looks like something that would be happening constantly... Described that way, I'm worried it'll take a long time to fix, and it's one thing keeping me from migrating!! (There ya go, my selfish interest in this little bug... aargh) The thing that's equally frustrating for me is that there's a weirdly-elusive little Legacy bug with multi-keywords right now too. I can't get the same conditions to work every time. Sometimes it just breaks them up; such a pain.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
You can film everything you are doing on your screen using Jing. Doing this when you find issues greatly help us troubleshoot.
And yes, it is rare, because from what I tested, it only happens if you only have one single keyword string in the photo.
Photo Blog