Can't edit text block on "About" page
I've been trying for the last hour to do some work to my "About" page, but I'm unable to edit or add any text to both existing and new text blocks... is there some kind of bug going on right now that is making us unable to edit text blocks? I added a new picture in a photo content block without any problems, but this text thing is really starting to aggravate me.
Nautical & Travel Photographer
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I'm not using Firefox either & can't get a response from anyone in the support center @ Smug. Been over 24 hours & my site is down until I can get this fixed. Phone support would be a nice addition.....I would really love to talk to a real person about this & a few other issues.
I find that I can edit the text in something like notepad and copy and paste it in and that works for the moment
Photo Blog
I'm still having problems editing a text block. I dragged the block onto a Page and I cannot enter any text. I am using Safari 7 under OS X 10.9. I am still using a Trial account. Is this the reason?