Setting theme and display settings for multiple galleries

What happened to "Multiple Galleries" switch? I can't find the theme editing tools in the new smugmug.
In new Smugmug, I go to Gallery Settings and under Appearance I see Thumbnail, but Multiple Galleries or "All Galleries" check mark is gone.. :scratch
When I try "Customize Site" it does not allow customization of views, it's just the fancy css editor I guess.
In new Smugmug, I go to Gallery Settings and under Appearance I see Thumbnail, but Multiple Galleries or "All Galleries" check mark is gone.. :scratch
When I try "Customize Site" it does not allow customization of views, it's just the fancy css editor I guess.
My smugmug still under construction & organization with 17,000 images and counting... meanwhile check my Flickr
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I wouldn't mind so much if setting button also worked on categories with an option to change all galleries under that category. Still a cumbersome method if users have many categories, but it would have made it less hassle.
Solution would be to make the setting button active when clicked on the site name and allow this to make changes to all galleries.
SmugMug Support Hero
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Can we set all new galleries to be in Thumbnail Style?
Is there anyway to apply settings such as appearance/security/social to multiple or All galleries?
I am still trying to find a way to just apply new password/etc to all my galleries, and I can't find a way to change this!
Also, maybe I forgot to mention before, this is not true. Even within a folder, you are not giving us the option of changing all settings. It only has Basics and Security/Privacy. It doesn't even have appearance settings in there.
Bulk settings has most (if not all) of the gallery properties available.
- Go into the organizer.
- Select all of the galleries (within a folder) where you'd like to apply the same settings.
- Click the settings button to activate bulk settings.
- Click the section you'd like to change.
- Click the checkbox in front of the setting you'd like to change
- Set the property
- Click done
See help page at Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks, this totally defeats the purpose of having Folder/Subfolder/Gallery structure.
If I have
>>>>Project 1
>>>>Project 2
>>>>Project 3
>>>>Project 1
>>>>Project 2
>>>>Project 3
>>>>Project 1
>>>>Project 2
>>>>Project 3
>>>>John Doe
>>>>Jane Doe
I am going to have to go through all "sub-folders" and then select all in order to apply the same setting to all of them. Extremely annoying.
Why remove the site-wide setting?
It sounds like the only solution is to get rid of 3 layer setup I have and go back to two layer.
That's all... I am going to have to just drag all of my galleries out of their subfolders into one big "Folder"
I think this is the intention behind removal of these feature, users should not have galleries that are too deep.
Note that the default style only takes effect for galleries that are set to use the default style.
SmugMug Support Hero
We can just let go of specific features/functions and focus on the features that are actually removed from the "upgraded" smugmug. What was the reason behind removal of such useful features?
I ended up removing SubFolders and moved them all one level up to Site/Category/Gallery/Pictures structure. At least this way I can go to Category and select all galleries and modify them accordingly because once you go one level deeper you lose all major settings.
Gallery settings vs Folder Settings.
Basically what we need is would be more tabs, such as: folder settings/gallery settings to apply to all galleries within this folder/site wide settings
Pool/Billiards specific...
I am a hobby photographer, not a programmer and not a pro that can justify spending to get things the way I want. But I am also not at all a dummy, yet with this change, I can only get so far and get stuck.
- Why can't I change my galleries to all show up in the classic smugmug format with thumbs on the left and one image on the right? Instead I get what I guess is the journal format with an endless stack of photos in a vertical scroll. This should be easy but I cannot figure it out.
- Why can't I resize the menu and text areas so that I can fit some basic bio information at least on the home page?
I feel like I might have to look into a smugmug alternative that is simpler for me to manage. I am still just displaying the legacy format on both my smugmug
Pool/Billiards specific...
What you are missing is the site-wide setting
For the menu/text areas, that's still possible with customize, when you click customize you can resize and change the text/content.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
SmugMug Support Hero
Pool/Billiards specific...
Pool/Billiards specific...
Next time I have an hour or two to kill I will try the advice given below regarding how to change the basic home page layout -- or rather, how to resize content boxes to customize the layout so I can add some extra text where I want it, and still have the basic menu choices and main slide show. Groan
Pool/Billiards specific...