Recent images on a Map
I have a page with a map showing recent images. I have been geo tagging a few older images that have been in SM for years and uploading new images. Most of the new images have the geo tag info filled in prior to upload. I've set the display limit to 100 images.
I expected that as I uploaded new images, after the 100 limit was reached, the older images would disappear based on date uploaded, i.e. older images disappear first. It seems however that the date used to rank the images is the date the image was geo tagged and not the date uploaded. Not what I would have expected.
Anyone else experience something similar. Other than this and not being able to map galleries, I like the new map feature.
I expected that as I uploaded new images, after the 100 limit was reached, the older images would disappear based on date uploaded, i.e. older images disappear first. It seems however that the date used to rank the images is the date the image was geo tagged and not the date uploaded. Not what I would have expected.
Anyone else experience something similar. Other than this and not being able to map galleries, I like the new map feature.
Hi Paul,
I am not sure, but I have asked the Sleepy Sorceress to take a look for you
Photo Blog
I just confirmed it tonight. I geo tagged a bunch of older images in a gallery, using the edit geo location menu, and they showed up under the recent photos selection in the map. These older images bumped more recent images off the map.
Here's the link
This photo is an example. It's an old photo. I just added the geo tag in SM this afternoon and now it shows up in the recent photos map. It should not show up on the recent photos map as there are over 100 geo tagged newer images ahead of it. It does not show up in recent photos which is the way it should behave.