[Fixed] "Sharpening" tab appears in Create Gallery but not in Edit Gallery
When I create a gallery in Organizer I see a tab for Sharpening:

If I go ahead and create and then go in to edit the gallery settings, the Sharpening tab is no longer there:

I have a "Power" account, and I'm led to believe that although Sharpening was available at Power level in Legacy (link), it's not now available at Power level in New SM. Perhaps we could have some clarification regarding this matter? There's no mention of Sharpening on the Features page and there's no clear indication on the Help Portal Gallery Setup page as to which account levels do or don't include access to the Sharpening settings.
Here's a related thread.
Either way, there's still a bug in the UI - the Sharpening tab should appear on both the Setup and Edit pages, or on neither, but definitely not on one but not the other - that's just confusing.

If I go ahead and create and then go in to edit the gallery settings, the Sharpening tab is no longer there:

I have a "Power" account, and I'm led to believe that although Sharpening was available at Power level in Legacy (link), it's not now available at Power level in New SM. Perhaps we could have some clarification regarding this matter? There's no mention of Sharpening on the Features page and there's no clear indication on the Help Portal Gallery Setup page as to which account levels do or don't include access to the Sharpening settings.
Here's a related thread.
Either way, there's still a bug in the UI - the Sharpening tab should appear on both the Setup and Edit pages, or on neither, but definitely not on one but not the other - that's just confusing.
Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
Support Hero
So... 2 questions...
What is the situation right now regarding sharpening and Power accounts, i.e. do I assume that default sharpening is already being applied by SM to non-Original sizes?
Assuming that Power accounts will, eventually, have access to the sharpening controls, will it be possible to turn off all sharpening for selected galleries? I have a fair number of astro galleries where I don't want any sharpening applied because I've gone to great lengths to get things looking right in post-processing using various methods such as wavelets, Richardson-Lucy algorithm, Weiner filtering, Van Cittert filtering, Maximum Entropy deconvolution etc. etc.
Since you talked to Bonocore about this a few weeks ago I think you have your answer, but let's wait for him to chime in.
Support Hero
I'd be much obliged if you could point him in the direction of this thread, please.
Photo Blog
Yes, I was incorrect. Power accounts DO should have the sharpening option in the gallery settings (basic accounts do not)
I will add this to the Active Bug list now.
Sorry guys!
Photo Blog
Thanks for that
It's not quite right yet though - the Gallery Settings box is missing a little something:
What browser, OS are you on? You may need to send me your log in info so I can look in your account.
Photo Blog
I'm on XP SP3 and Firefox 24. The missing thing is only the word "Sigma", do you still need my log-in to troubleshoot that?
I've not tested the sharpening function yet, I'll give it a shakedown tomorrow morning and I'll let you know how it fares.
Thanks for pushing through this bug-fix
Michael, I've found out what causes this. I'm using the following popular code snippet to hack the Contact Form question, the second part makes the "Sigma" hidden. Looks like I'll have to dump or edit the CSS.
Thanks for your concern regarding this matter