Hiking in the Snowy Range, Wyoming

All of the recent floods has nearly cut off mountain access from the whole of northern Colorado. Needing to get my mountain fix and a little photography in on the side, I headed up to Wyoming for the day. The Snowy Range is a mountain range in southeast Wyoming, about 30 miles to the west of Laramie. These mountains rise abruptly from the high plains and are nearly all BLM or national forest, so there are a lot of areas open for exploring. Yesterday I decided to head for the peaks though and the trails that weave through the alpine lakes and boulder fields.
Another reason for wanting to get to the mountains is to try out a medium format film camera I got over the weekend, a Mamiya RB67 Pro S. I've been wanting to get into film for a while, and what better way than with 6x7 medium format! I might add a few photos from that camera later once I get my developing chemistry in (I'll be developing and enlarging in my own darkroom soon!)
On to the photos. The day was very overcast with rain and sleet falling throughout. It was just what I needed though, can't be away from the mountains for week or more without getting itchy

Snowy-Range-1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

Snowy-Range-2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
It's already fall above timberline. The grasses and brush are all reds and yellows.

Snowy-Range-3 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

Snowy-Range-4 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

Snowy-Range-5 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
Thought I'd post a couple photos of my new camera as well. It is very different shooting with it, but I really think I'm going to like it! Looking through that large waist level finder was somewhat of a revelation, coming from looking through a small viewfinder all these years.

RB76-Pro-S-1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
I got this whole setup for $150.00 off ebay. SOOO cheap to get into medium format film photography now.

RB76-Pro-S-2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
Thats it! Like I said, I am getting my chemicals in today. I might be able to process the film and scan it in a couple of days, then post a few photos from the medium format camera.
Another reason for wanting to get to the mountains is to try out a medium format film camera I got over the weekend, a Mamiya RB67 Pro S. I've been wanting to get into film for a while, and what better way than with 6x7 medium format! I might add a few photos from that camera later once I get my developing chemistry in (I'll be developing and enlarging in my own darkroom soon!)
On to the photos. The day was very overcast with rain and sleet falling throughout. It was just what I needed though, can't be away from the mountains for week or more without getting itchy

Snowy-Range-1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

Snowy-Range-2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
It's already fall above timberline. The grasses and brush are all reds and yellows.

Snowy-Range-3 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

Snowy-Range-4 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr

Snowy-Range-5 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
Thought I'd post a couple photos of my new camera as well. It is very different shooting with it, but I really think I'm going to like it! Looking through that large waist level finder was somewhat of a revelation, coming from looking through a small viewfinder all these years.

RB76-Pro-S-1 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
I got this whole setup for $150.00 off ebay. SOOO cheap to get into medium format film photography now.

RB76-Pro-S-2 by Colorado CJ, on Flickr
Thats it! Like I said, I am getting my chemicals in today. I might be able to process the film and scan it in a couple of days, then post a few photos from the medium format camera.
Congrats on the new cam. I've been noticing the ridiculous prices of medium format film cams these day. Tempting, but ain't gonna happen for me. :nah
I give you a lot of credit.
Link to my Smugmug site
Some great pictures. Looking through the waist level is like looking into my yard. Except your grass is greener and the dog is standing still
Wyoming has now been added to my ever expanding list.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion