Image Gets Resized In Uploading

Well, this is an embarrassing question for a first post on this very helpful forum!
Planning to post a question on another subject, I made two small screen captures and saved them as jpeg's. The first, 415x99, uploaded without a problem. Of the second, 341x71, only a 150x150 portion uploaded. The first time, on both images, I clicked on upload and browsed for the image. After that failed twice for the second image, I used the drag-and-drop method with the same result. Finally, I tried the email method without success.
The image is fine on my computer. It almost seems like SmugMug wants to convert it to an avatar or some specific image type. What is going on? What am I doing?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Planning to post a question on another subject, I made two small screen captures and saved them as jpeg's. The first, 415x99, uploaded without a problem. Of the second, 341x71, only a 150x150 portion uploaded. The first time, on both images, I clicked on upload and browsed for the image. After that failed twice for the second image, I used the drag-and-drop method with the same result. Finally, I tried the email method without success.
The image is fine on my computer. It almost seems like SmugMug wants to convert it to an avatar or some specific image type. What is going on? What am I doing?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
If you want a decent quality image I'd recommend you upload the full-sized image (or even a slightly down-sized version, but not something tiny) and then share a small version of it. Go to Share... Get a link... and grab a small image. Share that size, not your full photo.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
This is a bug that needs fixing. As you can see on the chart there are supposed to be nine display sizes. One of them is Original. Until recently the original size was one of the display sizes!
This is discussed here...
"The nine sizes of smugmug
Most photo sharing sites shrink your originals to save space. Not us.
With SmugMug, you get to keep every pixel forever and show them as big as your screen will allow."
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
It amazes me that every time I point this out this simple fact gets apparently purposely ignored.
The ORIGINAL SIZE is/was one of the nine display sizes. Until recently it was always used as one of the display sizes if it was small enough to fit.
It always worked before!
Original is listed on your own size chart.
"The nine sizes of smugmug
Most photo sharing sites shrink your originals to save space. Not us.
With SmugMug, you get to keep every pixel forever and show them as big as your screen will allow."
Again, We never ever displayed a photo that was 1593px on the long edge. As stated in your screenshot Example: If your original photo is between SmugMug's Large and XLarge sizes, we'll only create the Small, Medium, Large, and Thumbnail display copies.
If you upload a size between x2 and x3, the x2 is the largest display size available. Sorry, this is not changing.
Photo Blog
Original was one of the display sizes. Another feature taken away in this new smugmug.