Seeking Peace (ineligible)

Taken a couple of weeks ago.
Don't you/anyone think that peace, the pursuit of, etc, is a personal thing.
I don't know this boy, I don't know what he was hoping for, but I do know that he was acting alone. It could be any church, any religion. This is just where I happened to be.
I feel very uncomfortable taking photos like this, without permission, but permission would change the moment. I often shake. Or not exactly shake, I pull back before I should and that is what makes the shake.
These are the order in which they were taken.

photography by ginger
Don't you/anyone think that peace, the pursuit of, etc, is a personal thing.
I don't know this boy, I don't know what he was hoping for, but I do know that he was acting alone. It could be any church, any religion. This is just where I happened to be.
I feel very uncomfortable taking photos like this, without permission, but permission would change the moment. I often shake. Or not exactly shake, I pull back before I should and that is what makes the shake.
These are the order in which they were taken.

photography by ginger
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
There is so much I don't know.
I do know that there have been times I have felt peace sitting exactly where I was then. Often I have. Maybe it is familiarity. I have no answers.
Are we not seekers...
my stuff
If only my camera did not make a clunk noise. Putting it up to my face is bad enough, but the clunk noise......
Did not Cartier Bresson, did he not carry a small Leica rangefinder because it made no noise?