Lake Powell

Worked through a few images from a recent 5 day house boat trip with a few fellow dgrinners.





"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
#2 definitely makes me want to go rent that boat and be there! Freedom and serenity. It almost feels like it's missing something without a GCNRA or boat rental advertisement.
Did you have to remove any extra obnoxious flares, or did it really turn out just so? Seems like I frequently get an annoying green blob to remove when I shoot straight into the sun.
Thanks for comments. That was actually my thinking in taking the shot. I saw the boat sitting down there and figured it offered a sense of scale, another focal point, and lined up nicely with the rock detail and the sun.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
This was my first time on the water. I have been in Antelope Canyon several times, shot shoreline around Antelope Marina, Wahweap Marina, and shot up on Alstrom Point but this was the first time on the water. I suggest going but be very open in your plans. There are several limitations to shooting the lake and it is not the cheapest trip either.
As far as green blobs there were two really small ones up in the star area and if you look real closes there is a greenish tinted area on the rocks in the foreground. I will probably go back at some point to clean that up but it is not too bad. The flare really is impacted by what lens you are using and how much of the sun is visible (as well as what angle).
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Thank you for your comments.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion