Sugar Glider
I opened a meter box today to see this. She had 2 babies in her pouch underneath (they are a pouched marsupial) but i didnt like to disturb her too much so i didnt get a photo of them.
They are about the size of a flying squirrel and are also excellent flyers between trees...they can glide up to 200 feet between trees. This nest had mum/dad & the 2 kids in it. It was hot in it was 37c (99f) outside the box. They are strictly nocturnal.
If you pick one up they fit in your hand & their skin is just endless to open & make a wing for flight.They eat nectar/flowers & insects. Unfortunatly with urban sprawl, domestic cats take their toll on them.
They are about the size of a flying squirrel and are also excellent flyers between trees...they can glide up to 200 feet between trees. This nest had mum/dad & the 2 kids in it. It was hot in it was 37c (99f) outside the box. They are strictly nocturnal.
If you pick one up they fit in your hand & their skin is just endless to open & make a wing for flight.They eat nectar/flowers & insects. Unfortunatly with urban sprawl, domestic cats take their toll on them.
Guess it would make a pretty good nesting box. Great shots.
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Tks for looking mate.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
They will grow to 6" in dia & i have seen them the size of a mans hand. Nothing they like better than a wooden box in the bush. If you dont have insect screen on your house then they will make home inside. They eat a lot of insects so i always leave them be but they can give you a fright when you are on your bike at 60mph & one appears from inside your jacket.
I showed my 18 month old son your glider pictures and he said "Ohhhhhh Coooool!":D
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
I have met many a human that i would rather drop my size 12 boot on than the worst spider.
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MI Central
Mr T
They are about 4" long & fly 50 feet up at night in total silence. You need a better man than me gunga din !
...i suppose i could always chuck a roo off a cliff & get that in day light.
AKKK spit coffee on monitor
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
If you or your MI team fail or get captured MI will deny all knowledge .
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Roo off a cliff