Your Custom Hostname/Domain on SmugMug = Limited Compatibility with Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer back tab no longer works on my website. I have made no changes to my site. I have not migrated to your new format nor do I plan to so, but it seems that those of us that have not changed a thing are not immune to all of the bugs that are now swarming here. This phenomenon with the Internet Explorer back tab does not occur when you are logged into your account. It is only present when you are browsing as a customer or guest. It is not a cookie / browser problem within Internet Explorer, it is a problem with SmugMug code. I am using newest version of IE10 with Windows 7 64bit OS. I have not heard back from support on this yet so I am posting it here. I have noticed this problem on some of my fellow smugmuggers sites as well.
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Thank you for your response. I have read through your link and it is absolutely not the problem or fix for my posted issue. If you would have read my post it says:
"This phenomenon with the Internet Explorer back tab does not occur when you are logged into your account. It is only present when you are browsing as a customer or guest. It is not a cookie / browser problem within Internet Explorer, it is a problem with SmugMug code."
I do not have any issues with the IE back tab on any other web pages or sites on the whole WWW other than my SmugMug site and some others SmugMug sites that have not migrated to the new version. When I am logged in as the owner of my SmugMug account / site, the back tab on IE works perfectly and I can browse back and so on and so forth and all is wonderful. However, if I switch to visitor view or log off and browse as a guest the back tab for IE fails to work on my Smugmug site. Therefore, it is a code problem with SmugMug not an IE problem.
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The back button in IE10 works for me on smug sites but there is a difference in behavior in the new and old smug. It seems to be working properly in new smug but not old smug.
- Clicking to a site using new smug, back button is fully functional
- For a site using old smug, back button works within that site but I can't get back to the page before I entered the old smug site.
--- DeniseMusings & ramblings at
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pages and the back button did not work. This is legacy because only logged in with FF.
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Okay, I got fed up with this crap and went to your new format with high hopes that doing that would fix this issue. Notta, Absolutely still broken! This problem appears to be very widespread on SmugMug both on new and Legacy sites. I have no problem with the IE back button anywhere else on the net other than SmugMug. It is relatively easy to find other Smugmug sites with this issue. The confusing and frustrating thing about this issue, is that it is not an issue for everyone's site. For example: Go to Andy Williams MoonRiver Photography Site as a visitor and see if your IE back browser button functions. I get no IE back button functionality on his site: It does, however work fine on a friend of mines site SZP: Please note snapshots of when I had my curser over the back button and the differences in the string data. The string on mine looks the same as what I find on Andy's site and it fails to work. Something is definitely screwed up with many people sites when Internet Explorer is the browser being used. Oh, and the final kicker on this whole thing is that, as I have said before, ALL IE FUNCTIONS WORK PERFECTLY FOR ME ONLY WHEN I AM LOGGED IN TO MY ACCOUNT. If I am not logged into my account then it is broken. Why is that? I am pretty sure that this is the case with everyone else who does or does not know this problem is affecting their site. I am begging you to please address this problem. Am I the only one in the world using IE? I doubt it.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I came across this issue over two weeks ago and nothing has been done about it. Here is my last post on the SmugMug Support forum regarding this issue:
Well after further browsing and examination of other peoples sites on SmugMug I have come up with the conclusion that if you have set up your own Custom Hostname/Domain as listed here: your site does not work correctly with Internet Explorer. Specifically, the back button tab does not work, and does not take you to the previously viewed page as it is supposed to. If you do not have a Custom Hostname/Domain and you have following your initials or name of your site, then the Internet Explorer back tab works on your site. I am not a code guru, but I believe without a doubt I have pinpointed this issue for you. Please Hero's take the time to look at this as I would say most of your Pro accounts are using their own Custom Hostname/Domains.
Please see this thread also for more information:
This is a major bug affecting everyone's site who has created a custom hostname-domain. Please acknowledge this issue and address it.
If you feel that your thread should be in a different forum you can leave a request in the Place Requests to Moderators Here to ask that one of the moderators move your thread (or post).
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Michael, I can confirm also that in IE9, with a custom domain, the back button doesn't work. I tested it on Legacy and New SM sites
Go there, and click "site index" then "keywords" - then try and use the back button - it fails.
Go there, and then go to "Find" then "About". Then try the back button. It does not work.
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Thanks Andy!!! I will get this filed and keep you all posted
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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Now it seems to work ok.
OK, in a legacy gallery paging forward and then going back it requires two clicks.
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to advance to last page in gallery. NewSmug
Neither does backspace key.
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I go forward to page 8 and click back. Only main photo changes not page No. or url or thumbs.
Click forward and main photo changes not page or thumbs.
Cleared cache same.
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BS keys the gallery ID disappears and leaves the gallery name. Another BS key gallery name disappears and only the
folder name is there. In the mean time nothing on page changed, thumbs or main photo. BTW, Smugmug style gallery.
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Allen - SM can only act if you are very, very specific.
To be clear to SM and Bonocore:
Forward / Back buttons do seem to be broken, in the following case:
1. If I start here: SmugMug Style
2. use the page forward arrow ( this: > ) and page forward 2 pages
3. now try the back button in FF, Chrome, Safari. Nothing happens. The url flashes something really super fast though.
This seems to be limited to SmugMug Style only, afaict. If I browse on my site from "Galleries" to "Find" to "About" then the forward/back buttons work just fine.
Other gallery styles don't exhibit the problem. I can go here
and then click a photo, and use my arrow key on keyboard, going through the gallery. Then, the back button works just fine, so does the forward button.
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Thanks Andy! Submitted.
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