Links in the New SM
In the Old SM, the link to a Gallery appeared to have the Category as part of the URL. However, if I moved the Gallery to another Category, the old link still got the user to the same place.
Is this still the case after migration to the New SM? Just trying to prepare.
Is this still the case after migration to the New SM? Just trying to prepare.
Photos however do appear to be okay as when you pick up a link for a photo it contains this code so you can mess with whatever is before and it still works. e.g.
is the photo in it's original gallery, but
will also work
I understand with the New SM, you can customize the Link Not Found page. Is this a global for the site type change, or can it be link specific???
It's global - there is only one 404 page. I had this recently where someone changed a gallery name after someone else had released a URL onto facebook. So what I did was just to create a smugmug 'page' with the original name and hence URL and then put a big message on that saying that sorry the gallery had moved and it was now here and link to the new gallery.
The only gotya with that technique is that the page can't be unlisted as if you make something unlisted you get another magic code at the end of the gallery to make it difficult to guess. As long as it's a page you make it is probably ok as I don't have anywhere where I list all of the pages and hence normal visitors shouldn't find the redirect page. The only unfortunate exception is 'Folders'. In my case someone had renamed a top level folder so I had to create a new folder to put my 'redirect' pages in. Unfortunately that folder can't be unlisted so it appears in places I would rather it wasn't. What I'm doing at the moment is tracking hits on that folder and once they die down it's going.
Wish there was a better solution. I used to love the fact that you had a gallery URL that was permanent
Will also still work... This is the old SM format for that photo (did not have the image name ie. IMG_0004). It uses the ID for the jpg as well.
Even nicer - thanks & well spotted
I would love to have a true "permalink" option myself as well, and I've filed a feature request for this, so hopefully this will be something we can allow you to generate more easily in the future. Hope this helps for now!
SmugMug Support Hero
So if the links I have already given out with the old SM already have the Gallery Key, would they not still work in the new SM??? Sounds like the Key is the key?
These also work in NewSmug as I have them all over the place.
My Website index | My Blog
I use SmugMug as the photo site for an active community blog, and I have 2-3 galleries a week that get shared in blogs and newsletters.
In the past, I could just select the gallery permalink from the URL window to share, and the gallery could still be findable after multiple reorganizations. Now, I have to do all the steps of
1. Click on a photo
2. Select Get a Link
3. Copy the gallery ID from the Buy link
4. Return to Gallery
5. Paste the link to the end of the gallery URL
6. Copy the new longer URL
7. Paste in blog (or shorten in and then paste).
So basically, a 2 step process (copy link from URL block, paste in blog) has gone to 7 steps.
Of course, today someone else composed a newsletter for me and I forgot to "safeguard" the link using the 7 steps. Sure enough I'd made a mistake and uploaded the gallery to the wrong category. So now 5000+ emails have gone out with the link to the wrong place.
I've written support, and hopefully can get this fixed as a one-off. But I identified this issue two months ago, and I have seen nothing about a fix on the way. This is just unacceptable!
I have also reported this problem (I reported it as a bug, since it seems like this broke the "get a link --> gallery link" functionality.) But as usual, it was one of those things that Smugmug never acknowledged, except for the one bit where I pointed out that the slideshow gallery link goes to the "legacy" version of the slideshow.
I saw it as a bug since Smugmug has always told us to use gallery links that contain the album ID/key so that reorgnization wouldn't break our published links, and now they've made it very difficult to do so.
I agree, it's very odd that SM has not acknowledged this as either a bug or a feature request. I have had two different support conversations in which I was told it had been "submitted to the product development team," but I'm not seeing a lot of noise on dgrin about it.
I wondered if the lack of complaint is because the permalink feature isn't important to people. I don't think that's the case. I think the truth is that most people don't realize that reorganization breaks all their previously-published or shared links.
With the ease of reorganization in New Site, this is going to bite more and more people in the posterior.
Anyway, I am very happy to have the new tool. Not sure who to thank, but I thank them for developing it!