First Portrait Attempt
My friends daughter is taking a modeling class and needs I head shot. I told her I would try to take it and save them some money. I need the practice and if they aren't good enough they haven't lost any money. Let me know what you think and thanks for looking. Nicole

I like the first three and don't really have anything to say about them.
The last one though. Thats one where even though I don't normally make a model smile I woulda had her smile for that shot. I also would have had her propping her head up with her left hand so you could see her arm and hand etc. She just doesn't look comfortable in that shot and it looks like too much or her left site is missing.
For me the second photo is my favourite as I find it very complimentary of the model. Nice colours, nice composition and good sharpness.
Well done!
She's beautiful, but I do not like the way she's holding her mouth in #3 and #4. 3 especially. Unflattering. Also, #4 is my least favorite. It is somehow awkward. She looks ill at ease.
Overall, I think they're a great start. She and you should keep at it, you'll both learn a lot and she'll obviously get some fine photos out of it.
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I like the first two the best. As someone stated earlier the colors are very complementary of the model. I would have kept her whole head on number one and less of the bottom.
Secondly: No 1 is my favorite and then number 2.
When you shoot pictures of her again, focus on her eyes. They are gorgeous. Use a little (or different) makeup to bring them out even more.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"