Unknown Padding top and bottom of header
found it It was the margin in the html block itself.
I am not thrilled with the smugmug nav bar. I was attempting to put my own in via html and css, however it looks like there is about a 5-10 px padding on the top is unwanted.
I looked at the source code and found the sm class and id for the header and tried to set the padding and margin to 0px but it changed nothing. Any Idea how to fix this?
I am not thrilled with the smugmug nav bar. I was attempting to put my own in via html and css, however it looks like there is about a 5-10 px padding on the top is unwanted.
I looked at the source code and found the sm class and id for the header and tried to set the padding and margin to 0px but it changed nothing. Any Idea how to fix this?
The positioning triangle has margins, and you can apply a negative margin. If the default top margin is 12 px, try -20 px, for example.
My instructions are for the SM navbar block, not custom HTML or CSS, which I can't help with. Sorry. :cry
Thanks for the help. The computer I am on for some reason doesn't show the margin # on the dimensions, its blank. I didn't realize that on Custom HTML blocks they applied margins. Set them all to 0 and I was off. Now just have to finish my html nav bars. Kinda a pain having to hand put all the links in, but I get better control of the look. Wish we could use java but I realize its a security thing.
I have not yet applied an HTML block. Maybe the default is blank margins. Try looking at a different block, folders or galleries, and check positioning. On mine those do have margins by default.
I have alot of custom html because of football schedules are done in tables. I am going back and looking at those also to see if there is a default margin on them too.