Center the Galleries, Pages & Folders block.

I have the Galleries, Pages and Folders block on my page, however it pushes itself to the left, and leaves a wide empty space to the right on larger screens, as screens get smaller the galleries begin go tline up then to my dismay create two rows rather than getting smaller.
Note, I have not yet transitioned to the new smugmug, can provide screenshots on request.
Note, I have not yet transitioned to the new smugmug, can provide screenshots on request.
I am linking to what I am seeing here, posting the image would be huge.
I just want those 4 boxes to self center.
I see under Layout that:
- choosing Fixed Layout pops up an option to center (bottom of my snapshot)
- but choosing Stretchy makes the center option disappear.
I'm not sure why Stretchy would require left justification.
I have a feeling the fix is with CSS rather than a SM setting (and that's not something I can help with, unfortunately).
Funny enough even choosing that option while in fixed does not center the items in my experience.
I'm curious, do you have a left sidebar?
(Found under the content tab, scroll to bottom.)
I accidentally put one on entire site, when I meant to put into homepage only. This caused everything to move too far to the right even when centered.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
It worked perfectly, thank you.
Really smugmug, how hard is it to let us center items. If I set the width of an item to less than 100% you would think I would have options to left, right or center the damn thing.
Leftquark, any more brilliant code you could toss into there?
I id the following in the CSS on just the homepage so that it only affected that particular usage of the profile block.
Change the 80% to whatever size you want, I wanted a nice 80% of the page, the margin will keep it centered.
Note that IE won't like this much.
You could add a text-align:center; to it which IE would love, but then this will center all of your text in the bio field.
did you try "margin:0 auto" ?
I did not, thanks.
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