Making photos fit to slideshow aspect ratio

Is there any way to force photos to fill the aspect ratio you set for a slideshow? I.e if you have a 3:2 landscape format aspect ratio for the slideshow but a portrait photo appears, it will be forced to fill the width and crop the top and bottom? Or is the only way round this to select photos at the correct aspect ratio?
Become a fan of Chris Humphreys Photography
I don't have this problem with the standard SM slideshow but I was having it on the custom full screen slideshow which is described in another thread. In that situation changing the CSS for background-size: cover to background-size: contain solved the problem. It also meant no full screen slide show unless the aspect ratio of the images matched the screen aspect ratio so I abandoned that and stuck with the standard SM slide show.
I'm not sure if this is your situation but it may be one avenue to check out.
Become a fan of Chris Humphreys Photography
I have three mini-slideshows on my home page and I cropped all of the photos used in them to be exactly the same ratio.
I could very well be wrong though - hopefully I am for your sake!!!
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