Larger thumbnails and more of them on Smugmug Layout?
I like the original Smugmug layout because it shows original thumbnails, but I would like to make those thumbs larger and have more of them on each page.
Yes, I have searched for this answer! Thanks in advance if you have had better luck finding it!
Yes, I have searched for this answer! Thanks in advance if you have had better luck finding it!
.sm-gallery-image-container{ float: left !important; width:70% !important; }
I used this to do the opposite of what you are trying to do, but you maybe able to change it to the code below to have more thumbnails on the page, plus you could play with what side the thumbnails appear on. I don't know how to change the size of the thumbnails though.
.sm-gallery-tiles-container { float: right !important; width:60% !important; }
.sm-gallery-image-container{ float: left !important; width:40% !important; }