Featured gallery photos not always showing to visitors
I have just migrated my site and run into something that seems similar to http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=237259 but not quite the same.
As an example I have this folder:
I went through the settings for the Copenhagen, York, and Budapest galleries and made them identical, yet the featured photo showed to visitors for Budapest and not for Copenhagen or York (tested by using Chrome incognito window and Internet Explorer not logged in). All galleries had external embedding turned off (which is how I would like it)
I then turned on external embedding for the Copenhagen gallery at which point the featured photo appeared. I turned off external embedding again and the featured photo remains visible even in a new incognito window :scratch. Perhaps the site is caching the photo and it will vanish later?
Either way whilst the Copenhagen gallery now looks OK the York gallery and plenty of other ones don't look OK and I'd rather not go and turn external embedding on and then off again on all of them.
To be clear, my mainline use case for Smugmug is to upload a password protected gallery and pick a featured photo that I don't mind people seeing if they browse the relevant folder (or category as it used to be). This used to be supported, and I'm not keen on the work around of turning on external embedding as it seems to slightly defeat the point of password protecting the gallery (unless I'm missing something).
Edit: I've noticed that as a visitor, once I have entered the password to view a gallery I do then see the featured photo when I leave the gallery.
As an example I have this folder:
I went through the settings for the Copenhagen, York, and Budapest galleries and made them identical, yet the featured photo showed to visitors for Budapest and not for Copenhagen or York (tested by using Chrome incognito window and Internet Explorer not logged in). All galleries had external embedding turned off (which is how I would like it)
I then turned on external embedding for the Copenhagen gallery at which point the featured photo appeared. I turned off external embedding again and the featured photo remains visible even in a new incognito window :scratch. Perhaps the site is caching the photo and it will vanish later?
Either way whilst the Copenhagen gallery now looks OK the York gallery and plenty of other ones don't look OK and I'd rather not go and turn external embedding on and then off again on all of them.
To be clear, my mainline use case for Smugmug is to upload a password protected gallery and pick a featured photo that I don't mind people seeing if they browse the relevant folder (or category as it used to be). This used to be supported, and I'm not keen on the work around of turning on external embedding as it seems to slightly defeat the point of password protecting the gallery (unless I'm missing something).
Edit: I've noticed that as a visitor, once I have entered the password to view a gallery I do then see the featured photo when I leave the gallery.
Which means that currently the only way I can see of displaying featured photos for password protected galleries to visitors is to turn on external embedding.
It looks like your Copenhagen gallery still shows the featured photo. Have you changed anything, or does it seem just flipping external embedding on (even though you flipped it back off) did the trick?
Photo Blog
I didn't make any changes since my original post and the photos weren't visible on the 13th but are now. Has there been a release of the site in the last couple of days?
Anyway I can't reproduce this problem any more so I can't complain