Featured folder photos from passworded galleries not showing to visitors
It appears that a featured photo for a folder will not appear to visitors if it is chosen from a password protected gallery that has external embedding turned off.
This comment appears to confirm that this is the current behavior: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=1905990&postcount=20
As a concrete example go to my home page http://dancorder.smugmug.com/ and note that the Family folder has a broken image for visitors.
As the similar behavior for password protected gallery featured photos was treated as a bug (see linked thread above) I hope that this behavior is also a bug. I would rather not have to turn on external embedding to have my folder featured photos display to my visitors.
This comment appears to confirm that this is the current behavior: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=1905990&postcount=20
As a concrete example go to my home page http://dancorder.smugmug.com/ and note that the Family folder has a broken image for visitors.
As the similar behavior for password protected gallery featured photos was treated as a bug (see linked thread above) I hope that this behavior is also a bug. I would rather not have to turn on external embedding to have my folder featured photos display to my visitors.
As lynnor says, the thread he/she linked to about photos on password protected galleries doesn't seem to be completely fixed - I created a separate thread about that here: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=241555
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That may be correct as I only used categories rather than folders before (categories no longer exist though correct?), but on the old site the category link showed featured images even from password protected galleries.
Either way it would be good to know whether this will be fixed or not. I haven't seen a definitive answer one way or the other.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
I am not able to reproduce this. My folder feature images appear, even though they are being taken from a password gallery with external links turned off. Dan did you change anything on your end?
Photo Blog
security hole if photos can be shown outside a passworded gallery with external links off.
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I can't reproduce this any more either, I haven't made any changes, so I guess it's been fixed. Thanks for investigating.
I tested on my wife's phone which has never visited my site let alone logged in and it showed the featured photos.
There does seem to be a bit of hole here unfortunately (investigated on my PC using Firefox private browsing window as a phone's too fiddly for doing this). The thumbnails appear to be just the "small" size photo from the gallery (rather than a specially generated thumbnail or anything else). By changing the size in the URL of the thumbnail image I can access the original size image even when not logged in. e.g. my York gallery has the thumbnail URL (which anyone can see) of:
This gallery is password protected and has external embedding turned off but it looks like anyone can click the link below that I created by changing the S to L to get the large version of the image. (O for original also works)
Personally I'm not very worried about this, but ideally it wouldn't be possible, and I can see that this might be a bigger deal for other people.
I believe that these URLs aren't really guessable, so practically I don't think anyone's going to be able to see my pictures, but I wouldn't expect this to work. It also seems to make the external embedding setting redundant.
Perhaps a bug has been introduced into the permissions/password system that is making the featured photos work as a side effect? Or perhaps there's something wrong with my testing.