Aspect Ratio / Print Sizes
I just started a SmugMug site and am curious what others are doing about Aspect Ratios? I've loaded pictures all under an 8x10 ratio, and am curious if that's the norm. When testing the site I see there's a crop option, which I'm not a fan of and would like to turn off.
As far as print sizes...can you set up individual images or galleries to allow different print sizes? For example 99% of my pictures are set for 8x10, but wouldn't look good as 8x8. I do have some textured prints I would like to offer as 8x8.
I'm finally understanding the layout a bit, but am getting caught in some simple upload issues like these. Any help I can get would be appreciated.
As far as print sizes...can you set up individual images or galleries to allow different print sizes? For example 99% of my pictures are set for 8x10, but wouldn't look good as 8x8. I do have some textured prints I would like to offer as 8x8.
I'm finally understanding the layout a bit, but am getting caught in some simple upload issues like these. Any help I can get would be appreciated.
Business accounts support multiple pricelists. If you have a business account you can apply different pricelists to different galleries and/or photos.
If you have a business account you could set up a pricelist for your square photos and a different pricelist for your 8x10-shaped photos. Edit each pricelist to remove the options you don't want to offer. For example, your square pricelist would only be set to offer square images. Then apply the pricelists to the gallery or photo.
See help pages at:
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Upload your original file, and shoot to LEAVE ROOM for cropping.
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Do leave room for cropping if you plan to offer sizes other than 8x10.
If you only want to sell 8x10 you can remove all other products from your price list. Then your customers will not be offered any other sizes.
It's best to upload your original file as Andy said and leave room around the edges to allow for different crop.
SmugMug Support Hero
Half the people I talk to are saying that and the other half are saying crop to 8x10. But I think you're probably right. It gives more options in print sizes this way. Thank you.
Thank you!! I'll do some reading on this.
Time to redo some uploads. I loaded pictures to this weekend, all at 8x10. I think I'm going to rethink that. Thanks.