Show me your watermarks

I am curious what other folks use for their watermark AND how they created them... I have a transparent png file that I have used forever... but I have seen some neat ones... like the ones that have a logo in the center and lines running to each corner.... but now I cannot find any examples...
How do I make one like that that will adjust to fit different ratios?
How do I make one like that that will adjust to fit different ratios?
I don't have the Pro account (not sure if you do), so I created mine in Photoshop, as it's just text. I used Photoshop Actions to run through batches of images. I already had this action saved for years anyway, so I stuck with that instead of using Lightroom's watermark feature.
I'd created it in exactly the font, size, transparency, etc that I wanted. Then...
- used the "Align layers" (text and image) to have the watermark at the very bottom and right edges first as a starting point.
- moved the watermark to the exact x/y positioning I wanted away from the edges, typing in the co-ordinates I liked
Starting at the bottom edges of the image and typing the exact pixels saway from the edge worked for any size ratio.
Once I knew which positioning worked for me, I copied the watermark (to avoid re-typing), and did the process again, but simply "recording" the process to save it as an "Action".
Then I was able to click the Play button and walk away while entire selected batches of PS images were getting watermarked. This process has worked for me for years now.
In your case, I guess you can create the logo and lines design as one layer the way you want, then "Align" that and the photo layer as "Centered" to each other first?
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Thanks for the info.... nice site too...
I noticed that this page show the "no photos" notice at the bottom... there is custom code to remove that... I do not know it off hand but a quick search will find it...'
Thanks for your input... love the site and the idea on watermarking...
My photo (files) have a copyright within the file.
I created the watermark in Gimp.
I know, I know, it can easily be removed. I wanted something that is somewhat visible but something that does not take away from viewing the photo. If someone has an intrusive copyright splashed across their photos I often don't stay on the site. I understand the need in certain markets - this is not about saying an intrusive waterark is a bad thing, only you can make that decision based on your target audience. And if I was shooting portraits in a market where photos are stolen, yes, I would probably use an intrusive watermark.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I just have my (c) and web address made with a little program called Seashore very easy to use
I'd like to look, but your link is broken....
I too shoot high school sports, but I shoot on assignment for a company so I get paid per job and do not worry about sales of the pics. My employer has the rights to sales and puts the images on-line for sale... I do not know what kind of numbers they do though.
For games I have shot on spec I end up w/ more browsers than buyers, as you said.
I shoot for a local dance studio too and we have agreed on a limited viewing time and have increased sales a bit... then again I get paid per job by them too so sales are gravy. I would not shoot for either if I were not being paid per job....
Many parents w/ their own cameras seems to think they can get the same shots so they don't even look. I saw it at the steet show I did yesterday... lots of mom's with their Rebels snapping away....