Popular Images and Privacy
I just want to check if this is intendent behaviour or not...
I checked http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/93248-how-do-i-find-popular-photos-
and it says:
Since there is no Site Visibility search setting in gallery settings I turned off
* Web searchable
* SMUMUG searchable
for some galleries and didn't link them anywhere so I can send the URL around...
but If I log out and go to <mydomain>/popular pictures from these galleries show up.
I don't want to make them unlisted because I can't share a folder of galleries anymore and sharegroups are really no fun to administrate.
I checked http://help.smugmug.com/customer/portal/articles/93248-how-do-i-find-popular-photos-
and it says:
If your Site Visibility search settings are "No" in your Account Settings, or "No" for in your gallery settings for a gallery, those photos will not be included in popular photos.
Since there is no Site Visibility search setting in gallery settings I turned off
* Web searchable
* SMUMUG searchable
for some galleries and didn't link them anywhere so I can send the URL around...
but If I log out and go to <mydomain>/popular pictures from these galleries show up.
I don't want to make them unlisted because I can't share a folder of galleries anymore and sharegroups are really no fun to administrate.
The options for web searchable and SmugMug searchable determine whether that gallery (or your site) is able to be indexed for searching.
Do you have a link to one of these galleries that is showing up in your Populars?
Please know if you have recently made a change these could show up for a while in a SmugMug Search or Popular Photos. This can take much longer to be removed from a public search engine like Google as they can update their index as they please.
I hope this helps you along. You can also email the help desk if you do not want to post your links here.
Thanks -Scott
thanks for the response, I think all the glleries had the settings before I uploaded the pictures... Anyways... I'll send an email to help desk as I understood they should not appear there with these settings...