Show photo number in Collage Style

The new Collage styles are cool, but I frequently interact with my customers by having them tell me which "number" they want touched up, for example.
In the (now old) "SmugMug" style, the number used to be above the photo, i.e. 7 of 52.
With the new Collage style, is there a customization to bring back a number? Having a number over the thumbnail in the collage (a-la Lightroom) would be cool. Or, if it were only visible when the large image was viewed, that'd be ok too.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
In the (now old) "SmugMug" style, the number used to be above the photo, i.e. 7 of 52.
With the new Collage style, is there a customization to bring back a number? Having a number over the thumbnail in the collage (a-la Lightroom) would be cool. Or, if it were only visible when the large image was viewed, that'd be ok too.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
You can make it fade in only when the thumbnail is hovered over by adding:
I've posted an example gallery here, plus CSS that works with other gallery styles (collage portrait, thumbnails, journal):
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to display that same number in the Lightbox, though.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thank you. I've been programming full-time for over 20 years, but I've never gotten into CSS to the level where I could have come up with this gem.
I'd like to show the number in the big image as well, but this is surely good enough for my needs.
The no-JS restrictions are making me learn every dark corner of the CSS spec, and Internet Explorer is so up to date now that virtually every neat trick actually works!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
This was a huge problem for me, as I couldn't have discussions with people about a particular shot. Thank you, this is great, and I had no idea CSS could do it, I had given up pending some javascript resolution.
Here's a landscape collage gallery.
Here's a portrait collage gallery.
OK, this thread is a bit old but thanks for that piece of CSS code
I was shooting an event where i had more then 300 photos and with that CSS code it's now pretty easy for my visitors to refer to a specific photo.
Would be cool if SmugMug could add such a feature to the gallery settings and use a real photo ID (maybe a database ID) because the numbers added by CSS are not really connected to the photos and the numbers will change if i add a photo on top of the list.
Anyway... Thx for the code, really helpful. I changed the code a little bit, so the number will appear in the upper left corner. Here's my code and here is the gallery where i used it.
My Website index | My Blog
The photo ID or the title+captions?
the photo id is not needed all the time and the title and captions are not always fully visible, especialy on portrait style photos (see screenshot, title="FedCon23 - The Fans.." and caption: "Stargate Universe - space suit of the antikers", and only the half of it is visible...)
I prefer to have the cleaner "preview". If someone want to see title+captions there is still the lightbox.
But thanks for the idea, i'll keep it in mind. Maybe i change that later...
Something changed yesterday, though, and I don't see the numbers any more. Anyone else?
Specifically in Collage Portrait
I've really come to rely on this!