Posting pages to facebook doesn't work with own domain name
Hi folks
I was following the recent suggestion of using pages to create a blog and set up a page for a friend of mine. We went to post it on facebook and discovered that if you take the custom domain URL and post it into facebook then you get only the bio info. If you take the version and post it you get the page info which is what you want. So in our case the blog page is at
But if you paste that into facebook you get this:

However, if instead you paste this into facebook:
you get this which is what you want:

It picks up the gallery description and featured photo nicely. Clearly it is possible to work around this by using the smugmug URL initially and then editing the URL in facebook to the custom domain after you've pasted it into facebook but it would be nice if you didn't have to
Best wishes all
I was following the recent suggestion of using pages to create a blog and set up a page for a friend of mine. We went to post it on facebook and discovered that if you take the custom domain URL and post it into facebook then you get only the bio info. If you take the version and post it you get the page info which is what you want. So in our case the blog page is at
But if you paste that into facebook you get this:

However, if instead you paste this into facebook:
you get this which is what you want:

It picks up the gallery description and featured photo nicely. Clearly it is possible to work around this by using the smugmug URL initially and then editing the URL in facebook to the custom domain after you've pasted it into facebook but it would be nice if you didn't have to
Best wishes all
Can you please try a few things. First please make sure external links is set to yes on the gallery where the image is featured from. Also you can use the Facebook Debug tool to update what they will show for your link here: . This will ensure they have the latest data indexed for a given url.
Thanks -Scott
Yes, it was already done otherwise we couldn't have got the second correct image above if I understand correctly
Well I ran the custom domain URL through that and below is what I got:
If I run the http://petermclarenfineart.smugmug.c...GalleryProject through instead then that works fine. It looks as though there is some sort of app associated with which isn't associated with the custom domain of course as I have never created any face book app. It does mean though that pasting custom domain URLs to facebook won't work nicely
Because it's working fine here for me
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
eg. this:
Gives me this
If I now go back and post a link to the blog page:
I still get this
ie. no photo and the description from the bio rather than the page.
It looks like facebook is picking up the correct info. for galleries but not for pages as Anna Lisa surmised
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Nope. Works from any page on on my site:
Here's a Folder:
Here's a Page:
And I get the same positive result for photos in lightbox, date, keyword, etc.
As to the text that FB will use - if there's a gallery description, that info will be used in lieu of the sitewide meta info.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
However.... the original still doesn't work. It has a description, a featured image, is set to Inherit (public) and is smug and google searchable. It makes no sense
any clues anyone?
edit: Just had a thought. When I first posted the Glassmount page I didn't have the description/photo so I'm wondering if facebook has cached the details. I'm off to test that theory...
Obviously in this case this happened over a few minutes but the GalleryProject page was about 36 hours ago now and it is still using cached details. So that's the lesson - always set your gallery descriptions and featured photos before posting to facebook
Thanks all for your help