Publishing single album to facebook
I have my Facebook account linked to my twitter account, I have just published an album by selecting all the photos and used the "lightbox" option of approx 300 photos, and found it tweeted each photo my twitter account ie 300 tweets......
Is there any way to publish the album, without selecting the contents of it? so the album os published to fb once and this is then published once to twitter
I have my Facebook account linked to my twitter account, I have just published an album by selecting all the photos and used the "lightbox" option of approx 300 photos, and found it tweeted each photo my twitter account ie 300 tweets......
Is there any way to publish the album, without selecting the contents of it? so the album os published to fb once and this is then published once to twitter
A shared image link should take the Facebook or Twitter follower back to the gallery, in your SmugMug site. You don't need to share each image in the gallery on those sites. The posted image should act as a teaser, to get those folks on your site, to see the rest of the images in the gallery.
There is a publish to Facebook option that will allow you to upload multiple images to an album on Facebook, if you'd like. See more about how that works, here:
I hope this helps!
SmugMug Support Hero
Hi thanks for the reply Lindy, but tried that i this is what i am doing
1) Selecting and opening album with in the organizer
2) Selecting all the images (338)
3) Publish to FB Page (lloyd duffield photography) and create new album
4) select relevant settings, think the last time was medium size, lightbox, full link,
5) Publish
It creates the album etc but i had a couple if mentions back saying it was "Spamming" there wall on on FB, also on tweeter (which is connected to my FB account so any updates on my lloyd duffield photography page gets published on Twitter (lloydduffield)) it created 338 individual tweets, instead of 1 tweet for the entire album, its a great way to get the tweets up, but not an ideal way of keeping followers....
So is there away to Select a single album (instead of all the images) and publish that album?. as in theory as your selecting one icon it should just tweet once?.
This problem with the Twitter linking goes back to probably as long as we've had "Publish to FB" option... at least in Legacy. You can see the Quote below, and the link to a post from this past summer, indicating that it was still happening. There was a long while where Publishing to a FB page caused multiple posts (one per photo) to show up in the feed of followers. Now that's basically fixed, except in the case where a person has asked for notifications from your page -- and unfortunately, in that case, they'll get a notification about every single photo in your album. And then, like I said, the Twitter problem is also not yet resolved. I don't have mine linked, so I don't quite grasp what happens, but you can go to the thread & find more info about it. However, what you really need is a fix & idk whether that's on SmugMug's end or FB's... Anyway, see these:
And here is the entire thread for Publish to FaceBook: Hope your issue gets fixed!
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