Remove new Smugmug view
Hello all, I had clicked on the new smugmug view few days a ago, I didn't make any changes on my current setting other than just looked at some new templates, but now every time I log on to my site, admin part, the new smugmug preview is on, I have to click on the view legacy smugmug to go back to my usual page, how can I resolve this problem, can anyone please help, thank you very much!
You can't resolve the situation.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I won't switch my main site until I absolutely have to. I know a lot of people love the new look, but I also know a lot of people don't like it. I'm one of the 'don't likes'. Sorry.
Agree with beardedgit, not found way to fix it.
My own history: because using the sandbox had unexpected effects on existing site, I unveiled before I really wanted to (along the lines of Denise's suggestion to you). Just jumped in the water. It has been a mixed experience.
The good: I'm very positive about the new design, especially collage landscape and the organizer. Kudos to developers for those and many other features.
The bad: there are a significant number of features present in the old sm that you will not find in the new, or have been degraded there. Look around these forums for examples. Also some weird bugs. Timeline for fixing bugs or "adding" the newly lost features (that's the sm term; I'd prefer "restoring") is not clear but many feel that it is slow.
The ugly: information from sm as to what features are now gone varies from incomplete to misleading. I've not found a currently maintained list of these features. Some missing features may not be important to you; others may be critical.
So if you do jump right into the pool, the water may be colder than you think . . . Do your research.
Good luck!
Hi Denise, my website has been customized, I can't move into the new world, because it will messed up everything, I like my customized look better. Will it be like this every time I have to click on the view legacy to get back to my old look
You should also be aware that at some point you will need to move to the new smug. I know your site has been customized but your customization is pretty simple. As I said before, it should not take much work to move to new smug.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Your site could be moved to new SM in about 15 minutes. And it would look 1000x better, trust me
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Than you Andy and Denise, if soon or later I must move to the new SM, then I will try, if I encounter problem I can always come back here to ask you guys
Your website looks as if if can be reproduced to look the same as it does now.